
When somebody is screaming inside people may not able to hear it but it can be picked up just like wi-fi or radio. The more distress a person puts out the more it overrides thinking. Justice is in the balance and it will seek out something to bring equilibrium.

Do you think they should be charged with a crime mark? Any punishment?

Grow up is right. They are 29. Not 13.

Whatever PepĂ© Le Pew. Sometimes you just don’t notice it. And you make it impossible to address. But it’s a very distressing issue.

A warning maybe. Next time it’s punishment. Did you experience any stigmata?


I usually agree with warnings, but these two didn’t know the couple. They will do it again, most likely. Although, their lives might be over anyways. They will definitely get fired.

One thing, I’m guessing we all agree on. No jail time.

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That’s kind of a catholic thing. But you know with my Christian background I used to read and listen to lots of stories and testimonies on how God works. To have faith and believe in the Lord and prayer. Imagine if you were the passenger and started to feel trafficked, or being taken to some potential harmful initiation or victimization, or worried about the sobriety or responsiveness or focus of the driver and started praying. Suddenly you get t-boned or somebody cuts you off the vehicle you are in.

You’ll testify it was the hand of God.

There are just too many actions and inactions. If there was a fire nearby and the water supply was out, imagine what a hero you would be handing out shovels and recruiting men. How would you feel if nobody helped because they were too lazy or made up an excuse? Of course if your truck was atool truck like that it would have dents like that all over.

You know having to be two places at once screws people up. And you know how wiped out it can make you look when you are filling in for people who can’t even hold their place.

I agree with this but that ship has obviously sailed. There hasn’t been equal application of the law for decades when it comes to Jews, blacks or gays.

For clarity, I didn’t suggest a warning. I suggested a criminal conviction and a fine. I just don’t think this justifies ruining their lives forever which a $200k fine would do.

Oh. I got it. I think mark is the only one that said warning.

The 200000 dollar fine will definitely ruin their lives. It will be difficult to do since they won’t be able to find a job.

Yes and maxed out credit cards are probably a contributing factor.

Why a fine at all? Just lower the temperature again

Oh yes, and make breathing more difficult.

If that was done to you and your wife I’m sure you would pray for hot urine, even if it was produced almost purely from asparagus.

You’d learn quick, be motivated, and not increase the debt.

Your not a good judge Reg. You’re a stiff. First thing you do is help yourself to somebody else’s life. Then you try to redistribute the debt.

Community service. If I already had the shovel I could dig trenches next wildfire.
200 hours community service. They even let inmates help out with fires.

Trump made the news twice today. One for being blamed in an obituary and the other for not knowing who john Lewis was. My guess is he had never heard of him a week ago.

He might not have known John Lewis personally but he knew of John Lewis. Lewis made big news after Trump’s election with this.

Racism is something like this to me. A lot like this. Like yeah, trouble, your worth it.