
You acknowledged your error so…

so what?

So I thought something was wrong with you.

I don’t think all racism can possibly be the same.

I’m sure some is much more deeper.

I’m not even sure if racism works at all but I understand when people play racist towards me like they play a card.

They don’t feel a complete individual. They feel there is something missing but can’t really prove it was taken from them because they can’t prove they ever had it.

But if you are asking me then you are saying we are the same race. And I really don’t fit into any race, even the ones I should.

Forget about the white nationalist??? Rebel, rebel, rebel, rebel!

The anti-white-nationalist rice-ism on bbad is teeeeerrrrrible. I need a time-out.
Sorry, guys, I will be watching baby-goats

White is a race. White nationalist is not a race. And you get more flack from the white people here than you get from me.

Nasty. I hope they’re white female goats.

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That’s why I picked that beautiful blue-eyed baby goat above. To check whether it’s female I would have to inspect it veeeeery intensely, closely and thoroughly.

I am going to effing hurl. Ok time for a break from BBAD. Back later.

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White is bleached, black is charred.

That’s it, Reg. Purge those toxins.

His step-sister was adopted from China at age 2 and spent effectively her whole life in Norway. He shot her in the head 3 times and once in the chest just to be sure. He sounds like a fun guy.

I think hearing is the jealousy.

VW just apologized for this allegedly racist ad. I found the ad stupid but don’t really see the racism. The guy happened to be black. What a stupid ad, though. German humour is an oxymoron.

youtube comments to the rescue:

"The man is tossed into a bar called Petite Colon, or “Little colonist”
As the letters first appear, they spell out the German N-Word “Neger”

The gooks of hazard!

Interesting. I didn’t realize any of that. There’s a lot of smoke there and there may be some fire.

EDIT: @IshChadash Daniel, I don’t consider it racist to observe the obvious fact that Asian immigrants in Vancouver generally drive badly. It’s like observing that Latinos like to dance to horrible pop music, Russians and Eastern Europeans drink a lot, Japanese men are into some seriously weird sex, and Malaysians put way too much sugar in their food. I hate none of these people. I also realize there are plenty of exceptions to all of those comments. They are at least somewhat generally true, however.

please have a look at THIS:

Here’s the list of the biggest drinkers in the world, dominated by Eastern Europe.


Looks like eastern Europe stays drunk.