Keystone is the start, according to Q.

Pennsylvania prematurely certifies the election.


“Charges of unfairness are serious. But calling an election unfair does not make it so.”

Providing 1000 sworn affidavits of testimony does make it so.

“Charges require specific allegations and then proof. We have neither here.”

What is an allegation if not sworn affidavits and what is proof if not the ballots themselves?

yeah and they didn’t have those
try to keep up

If the honest and forthright media had carried the story, I would have known this already. It is likely that someone on Twitter posted this news. Unfortunately, I tend to listen to left-leaning liberals over Twitter followers for up to the minute domestic and global news.

I can only wonder how many are in the process of following Trumps lead.

hard to believe you’re serious

I guess I just made that up. Surely I am wrong.

wrong is in your rearview and vanishing fast
what you are is a moron

Melania is dressed like Rose from Titanic lol. I wish I had seen this last year.

So rude and disrespectful lol. I hope he treated Charles with more respect.

A billionaire really should carry himself with more class. Not this billionaire but all other billionaires should.

I support this and other firing squads for federal executions.

Ahahahaha . . . idiots

Q is counting something down. Don’t forget to log in.

Because Q was wrong about everything for the last 7 years, let’s listen to him again now?

Oh, Lord, no. I would never recommend that. Q is a mystery nobody knows and his message may be slanted.

I admit, I am curious about this truth tease they are perpetuating, without explanation, onto all of the world. One reason is because they posted that “the creator walks among us”. Jesus told us that if someone says the Messiah is here or there not to believe it. That when He returns, we will all see Him and mourn. Matthew 24: 30.

The truth would put 99% of THE people IN THE HOSPITAL … ITS COMING … SIX O. CLOCK CAN BE DANGEROUS.


5 hours more, Michele. Are you excited? I’m not. I don’t actually give a fornication.

Not at all, Reg. They added 30 hours and they keep changing the post. It is disturbing, if it’s true.

It’s not. It’s nonsense.

For once, you may be right.

They added two hours yesterday and then 2 days. The new post added a link.

It’s a black and white photo of what looks like blood on Hillary Clinton’s face, to me.