
I decided to move this to the People thread since I dislike Pit Bulls.

There are almost no Jews in India. The population was already tiny in the 40s but dwindled even more after Israel was created. Almost all of them left for Israel, Jews not being very popular in India. I read they currently number 5000 in a country of almost 1.8 billion.

You didn’t ask this but I have a quiet afternoon and feel like typing irrelevant nonsense. I look like an Indian but my roots are in Malaysia and go back a couple of hundred years there. One of my grandparents and two of my great grandparents were Dutch but that’s a shameful family secret we don’t talk about.

Malaysia has three racial groups, the Muslim Malays who are the native majority, the brown Malaysians (immigrants from India/Indonesia/Burma/etc. all of whom look Indian) and the Chinese (immigrants from China, HK, Taiwan etc.).

The browns and Chinese were wildly successful and owned all the businesses. The Muslim Malays not so much. This state of affairs being unpleasant for the Muslims, in 1969, they had a revolution and declared Islam the state religion, made it illegal for non-Malays to hold public office, be police officers or teachers or almost anything else employed by government.

My family were brown and were immediately rendered second class citizens in Malaysia. Some of them stayed and have been very successful economically, despite being second class citizens. Most left, many for the UK, many for Australia, a few for Canada and the Dutch wing settled in Austria (having the good sense to not want to return to the Godless Netherlands). We don’t hate them but we don’t talk to them because they’re Dutch. We have our standards. All of the family have been quite successful whether they stayed in Malaysia or emigrated.

I have never seen a Jew in Malaysia which is unsurprising, but I’ve also only seen a tiny handful in all of South America which is surprising to me. I’ve also seen almost no Chinese in South America. Tons of brown people though, albeit usually racially different from Malaysian brown people even though the skin colour is almost identical.

I left Malaysia at age 4, my parents having had the good sense to get the hell out. I will be forever grateful to them for making that courageous move. We’ve done well in Canada, which I consider my only home. I do not hate Malaysia but it is not my country.

That is all very interesting. I know my give and take can get rough at times. I meant no offense.

God, totally seriously no offense at all was taken. I just thought I’d say why I kinda look Indian. I didn’t explain why I don’t look Jewish because that’s just weird that Michele calls me a Jew.

aha! you do enjoy some dutch inside you! lol

Awww, that’s so sweet the way you just humbled yourself before your brothers from other mothers. I cant recall a moment in the past where I’ve seen such a sincere display of meekness.

lol i think reg always tries to be fair and honest or at least in his own way

his meekness is also displayed in blab chat (rip), just look at the history

RIP? It’s still alive. Just nobody goes there anymore. Except you, apparently, to review old chats. lol.

lol yes!

What would you think of you saw your significant other doing this?

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I can tell you didn’t like that one.

Took me a bit. Pretty good.

Nobody works for the last few hours of each day, anyway.

Speak for yourself on that one.

I work 14 hour days. I wonder how unproductive I am at the end. I’m usually good for a few days and by friday, not so much.

That makes me feel bad. I work an hour and stuff off 2.

Me too. I have little spurts of productivity, often when I get mad at myself for having been unproductive. I can rarely code more than 2 hours in a row these days, but I get a lot done in those two hours. Sometimes I will get two of those 2-hour spurts in a day but not often. I’m pushing myself a bit lately because I really want my new venture to go live soon.

I am at Simon Fraser University. Isa has an appointment here and I drove her and am waiting for her to be done. The fascinating thing is that I have seen no fat people at all on the entire campus. I like the vibe here.

Vietnamese coffee.

Interesting campus. Architecture struck me as kind of brutal though.

You’ve been there? I didn’t know that.

Google search.