New Year 2020/2021/2022

Happy New Year, all. It feels remarkably similar to last year so far.

Happy New Year everyone!!

I receive that. Thanx you. Best New Year to you, Nico.

I hope you weren’t scarred from looking at that threatening storm 2023 POM lol. Happy New Year, Reg.

Happy New Year to you too. Whatcha drinking’ there, Kitten?

It was Champagne.

Thought I would try it again.

Nope. Still don’t like it.

I haven’t had any wines I like either.

Someone hypothisied that I could be allergic to something in the wine. Oh well.

I tried to toast in the new year.

What did you all do to ring in the new year?

We didn’t do much. We did get on ham radio and made a few dozen contacts with people saying “Happy New Year” which was cool. Several were with a group from Whatcom county in Washington. They speak so differently that I can barely understand them, but it’s nice to be able to communicate with them across the border.

Yummy! Perhaps you just needed 2 glasses instead of one lol.

I didn’t go anywhere or do anything. Too many checkpoints around town lol. I did take a few of shots of Crown, walked sideways and played a couple of games with my grand babies but I was distracted a lot so I think they got tired of waiting on me lol. I’ll have to make that up to them in the new year.

This would have made a really nice POM. Maybe next year the content moderator can improve upon that. :smiling_face:

Oh hush. You can pick a POM any time you want.

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