
Short scene. Watch this and see what you dream about.

Full movie with ads under misleading title

I just watched Dark City for the first time. Apparently, the director was quite upset that in the theatrical release, which is what I watched, there is a voiceover that explains who the strangers are. Apparently, the studio thought the audience would be too stupid to follow, so a voice-over explaining who they were was needed in the beginning.

Who do you think wore it better? Does face go with personality?

As a newly subscribed member to Netflix, the first flick I watched wasn‘t Gervais series, for which I actually subscribed, but the movie „The Power of the Dog“ with Benedict Cumberbatch. Couldn‘t resist. But what a depressing film that is. Gosh. Somewhen during the movie, I had to open some sparkling wine to digest and endure it further.

Unhappy people trample down on the next weaker one they envy. Down the hierarchy of Zeitgeist society.

Before watching the movie, I looked the plot up on Wikipedia. So I knew what basically will happen. After reading it I was - spoiler alert - pretty sure I will hate him and applaud when he gets killed indirectly by his love interest, who takes just revenge for his mother, which Cumberbatches character drove into alcoholism. A good woman, wife and mother. But the story and maybe even Cumberbatches acting, I honestly don‘t know, as I am a little bit prejudiced regarding him, made me just feel sad and pitify him. His character was a sad victim as well. He just dealed the wrong way with his hatred and maybe even self-hatred.

Well, I am not disappointed, but I am glad the movie is over.

PS: If I wouldn‘t have known it, I never would have guessed this movie was shot in New Zealand. I traveled along the coast and the patch of land I crossed was always lush green. Oh, except in Kaikoura, where I went whale watching! I just remember.

You gave up Prime, only to subscribe to Netflix?

Good talk about the movie between Jane Campion (director) and Benedict Cumberbatch (plays main character Phil Burbank).

This is a very difficult movie to watch, but I’m suggesting everyone watch it and consider Reggie’s recent stupidity and the observed progression especially with his statement about men having natural inclination to have sex with children throughout history and how it is commanded in the Bible. Also note his apparent disgust at homosexuality yet his statement towards me and thinking how he would totally support that marriage. Was that a joke? What do you think he holds back for from males here? Why did Michele try to test people here and later feel she had to offer something like the movie topic? Who’s idiocy and stupidity was the source of the demand?
It made her look bad, but was she just trying to stop :stop_sign: Reg?

Reggie, you are getting more sick, stupid, vulgar, and disrespect day by day. If you make that trip to El Salvador you stay away from any children. You don’t approach any woman with children asking for money or any children you might see living in poverty to buy them some ice cream, dulce, raspado etc You don’t hand them any money. You simply leave and go somewhere else. You don’t sit in some park or museum if there is some school field trip. You get up and isolate yourself. You can give to Church groups down there from the US or Canada. You can pay money online for construction projects or even animal hospitals go fund me

Whatever you go people will sense this issue about you. You are too narcissistic and overly entitled. You are also out of control with your mouth and disrespect due to issues like food, taste, smell, sexual pleasure. Your level of depravity and lack of experience despite having all resources and multiple experiences you seen to be able to receive nothing from makes you unhinged and dangerous.

You are not to be trusted around children. Don’t go to Mexico, El Salvador, or Colombia for those reasons. You are red flagged.

You cannot “Ho, hrumph what is this nonsense” pretending you are Will with some British accent. Don’t deceive yourself and others and push forward opening your wallet and heart. If you want to give do it through some local shelter or program website. Do not approach any children, you will be watched like an s/o.

Don’t try to get Michele to side with you. Her actions were stupid before, but you are the root if impotence and stupidity here. She shouldn’t be trying to appease you. You are easily snared. Maybe you deserve it. My perspective and regard for you has changed as have others here although they might remain silent.

President Donald Trump’s presence and energy expose this about you. That is obvious. Stop slandering.

You say it yourself over and over “Vile Dutch Pervert” and " yes, I admit I’m Dutch’
It is in the backburner in your mind. It is running like a background process ready to come to the forefront at opportunity. You make extensive and obvious efforts to compensate for insecurities and shortcomings.

Wherever you go from now on , everyone will know and sense this about you. You might find support but you might lose others. You are sick.

Don’t appeal to age.

Stay away from children and the most vulnerable in society. Don’t count me in this group unless you are willing to receive Justice and Heaven.

There is a link at the end of this trailer. You can help.

I love these old movies with the likes of Doris Day & James Garner, Katharine Hepburn & Cary Grant as well as James Stewart in The Night of Philadelphia, Audrey Hepburn & Peter O’Toole in How to steal a Million, Myrna Loy & William Powell in their funny detective series, Gregory Peck and Peter O‘Toole. I probably forgot a few more. These are classics to me. Didn‘t see this movie with Doris Day (and probably won’t), but the excerpt is funny. She can play very opposite characters, lol.

My most favourite scene with Gregory Peck. Didn‘t need to say anything for making it my favourite one, lol.

Oh yes, there’s a visual pattern in the men I find highly attractive, lol.

Awwww. When he finally realizes why she is knotting, lol. I loved The Thin Man series. So funny. So charming (both). Plus a matching dog to their characters, lol.

But you can’t see their feet.

No need to.

Oh I just found the full movie „Bringing up Baby“ on YouTube! This is the second movie with Katharine Hepburn and Cary Grant playing a couple. Another wonderful Screwball comedy. I know what I am going to do tonight, lol. Haven‘t watched that movie yet in English. But first a dog walk.

It was a great, great pleasure. Hepburn was so young in Bringing Up Baby. I forgot that.

Now I am in the mood for The Philadelphia Story. Unfortunately it‘s not on YouTube or anywhere I know of. It‘s the best comedy/drama ever. With a gorgeous and young James Stewart. Cary Grant plays in its own league again and Hepburn too. They don‘t make such brilliant movies anymore.

Lol, a „drunk“, so wonderfully sensible James Stewart, improvised hiccups and Grant barely could keep his face straight. Great scene. And Liz was right! :laughing:

Having breakfast and I just realized, this scene wasn‘t cut even once after they were sitting. Maybe I am wrong. Will check again with my focus just on this.

If it really have been shot in one take and without a cut, I am even more impressed by Stewart. He is playing that sensitive, with so many emotional edges. I barely even could remember the text, lol.