
Everyone pays into Medicare and social security, but not everyone pays a federal income tax.

You must have forgotten about this Romney clip.

If you are single and make less than somewhere around $13000/year, you pay no federal income taxes. It’s in the upper 20000s for married. So, 47% of Americans fall into that.

SS is 6.2% of your income. Medicare is in the mid 1%. Something like 1.6%. There is a cap though. So, if you make over 400,000, you’d pay less than 6.2%.

You’re saying 47% of Americans live below poverty level. I don’t understand.

I watched the clip. I didn’t forget it. I’ve never seen it. Those in the “47%” that call themselves victims vote Democrat because democrats have convinced them they are victims and in need of government assistance. A wonderful tool to control the vote.

It seems it is closer to 40%, rather than 47%. There is also deductions that probably shift some people below the threshold. There are probably a bunch of senior citizens in that 40%, where their “income” might be categorized differently.

Oh, that must be the variables in play but it still doesn’t add up since poverty was at 11.5% in 2022.