
Word of the Day:

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Permacrisis. I like it. It accurately describes the world right now.

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This isn’t for American citizens. It’s for all the different races, religions and cultures that have illegally crossed the border. Because they all speak languages nobody understands but themselves. The Biden administration is going to see to it that they are going to be accommodated so they don’t suffer confusion in their instruction.

That’s just silly. Almost all your illegal immigration is from Mexico, and lots of people speak Spanish.

Crossing the Mexican border doesn’t make them all Mexicans. If that were the case, we wouldn’t need a machine translating documents in 300 different languages.

Either that, or you have legal immigrants from other countries that benefit from this translation device. This is a total non-story, anyway. Some schools in Indiana have installed a ridiculously antiquated and obsolete paper-based printing translation system of no value and republicans are losing their excrement. Paper is far less common in schools these days, and all these kids have phones that can Google-Translate any documents they photograph, anyway. Republicans should be noting that this is a waste of money rather than screaming “illegal immigrants omg omg omg”.

It is not a non-story, Reg. Every thing that is happening in this country is affected by those savage immigrants. Our government caters to them for their illegal vote that they shouldn’t be getting and heaven forbid if they read something wrong in translation and vote for the wrong candidate. Biden would probably deputize them, declare Marshall law and send them out to attack everything that moves. 300 languages is a good indicator that Biden has invited people in from all over the world.

First, there are fewer illegals than there have been for decades.

As of 2021, the nation’s 10.5 million unauthorized immigrants represented about 3% of the total U.S. population and 22% of the foreign-born population. These shares were among the lowest since the 1990s. Between 2007 and 2021, the unauthorized immigrant population decreased by 1.75 million, or 14%. Source

Second, they’re the only ones willing to do unpleasant work.

Third, they commit far fewer crimes than native-born Americans.

The illegal immigrant criminal conviction rate was 45 percent below that of native‐​born Americans in Texas. The general pattern of native‐​born Americans having the highest criminal conviction rates followed by illegal immigrants and then with legal immigrants having the lowest holds for all of other specific types of crimes such as violent crimes, property crimes, homicide, and sex crimes. Source

Sure, maybe in the last week, since razor wire went up at Eagle Pass.

What unpleasant work? The government seems to take pleasure in keeping them confined to their fancy hotel rooms.

That you know of. I mean, how do you know they commit fewer crimes?

Actually, for the last 17 years.

First, I can’t believe I wrote “once” there instead of “ones”. I’m getting so old. Anyway, illegals are the only ONES doing hard work in the US. They are not all in fancy hotels. Most are working crap jobs for low pay.

I included a link to the source with full methodology provided.

Yeah, I read the mathematical probability of crime committed by illegal immigrants. The only problem here is that they limited their study to Texas where illegals are being bused out of state to places like New York where they form gangs and attack cops working in smaller numbers. New York courts do nothing to protect citizens from them. They release them back to the streets without bail. The only immigrants working crap jobs for low pay are the ones who came here legally.

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