
Untrue. I no longer listen to MSNBC or CNN, aside from clicking on them when I see a headline on BBAD. They are all trash, generally. Trump is still an idiot.

What kind of power? You mean the kind he possesses with all the nations he visited in 2017? You mean the power he uses to make the media go crazy? Maybe you mean the power he wields over those nasty corporations he is showering with tax cuts? It could be the power he utilized to create jobs that produced wage increases on the job just before your globalist friends locked down and force-masked the world and tanked employment which Trump compensated the American people for. Maybe it was those regulations the MSM conveniently forgot to report or reported in a the most negative light possible. By his own power he also took no wages for himself. I hope he gets 8 more years. For you that would be 8 well deserved years in a mental prison.