I love Stephen Fry. But he is wrong on many things he says here. Even that the rise of the right is the fault of the left. No, at least in Germany for the most part, parties of the political centre like CDU/CSU and SPD were governing, albeit the SPD is seen rather as a left party. At least before Die Linke was founded and Die Grünen became coalition material. Unfortunately each of those parties from the political center coalitioned with the extremist views from the left like the Greens and the FDP (the latter also being capitalistic). It‘s not that black and white.
He also ignores, that the rights don‘t want people having to die or end up as slaves in the Muslim countries they cross either. But it can‘t be the solution to let them all in. And worse, when they are there, let them live and spread their ultra conservative views which are contrary to western valuesw had to fight so hard for. I didn‘t leave the Catholic Church, protested Franz Josef Strauß and his CSU (and it‘s sister party the CDU which isn‘t allowed to work in Bavaria), only to see my tax payments fund Imams and mosques to spread even worse values than the Catholic Church and the CSU alltogether.
I didn’t watch. It’s over an hour long but I wouldn’t have watched if it was 5 min long. Words, including those we type on this site, are mostly meaningless. Here are the facts:
White people have stopped breeding.
Western countries have generally stopped innovating, at least compared to China. China is leaping ahead of western countries in solar, battery tech, electric cars, computer chips, and all kinds of other things.
Western countries are stuck in systems that require them to pay employees a lot and conform to various safety and regulatory standards. I agree with those high payments and safety/regulatory standards, but this makes them fundamentally uncompetitive.
Without mass immigration, western countries will fall into drastic population decline and will either die or be invaded. Germany’s population could decline from approximately 83.25 million to about 19.2 million over the next 100 years if the TFR remains at 1.35 and there is no immigration.
You’re not going to scold or bribe white people into breeding. White women have lost interest. They want to live as men lived for all of history. Freedom and opportunity awaits them and they’re not going to give it up. I wouldn’t. But that means no children.
We have no solution at all to making our businesses competitive with China with their reduced regulation and lower wages.
Everyone agrees that mass immigration has been a cultural disaster, but unless someone has some clear and credible thoughts about how to deal with this, it’s just more hot air.
That interview actually is interesting but because it’s an hour long I may have to space it out.
So the big guy raised a really thought provoking point. He said you give citizens the right to carry a gun but it’s limited. You don’t give citizens mortars or nukes. Same with free speech.
Too bad. I’m not sure what the full interview is about but it starts with free speech and not anything to do with what you posted, although you make a good point.
What I posted has everything to do with what he said about free speech. I am trying to say there is no point wringing our hands over free speech and Muslim barbarism and Chinese corruption and screwed up values and rape culture if we don’t first figure out how we’re going to survive the next 100 years without importing millions of immigrants every year. Until we figure that out, all the hand wringing about immigrants not sharing our values is irrelevant as the alternative to immigrants is death.
I assume it will work itself out. I know, that’s too simple. That’s why the immigrants are here though. Our future is a choice between Christian law and Muslim law.
That might not be a terrible option when preparing to choose between two laws.
Women and men lost interest. And why? Mainly because children rather mean disadvantages today. It starts with finding a landlord or being able to pay the rent. Basic things need to be affordable, especially if people have children. Women always worked also before the industrialization. No one appreciated it, though. Neither financially nor socially. Yes, no sane man would act differently if he was in the situation of a today woman. Most would prefer work and a career also over children or at least only want one, maximum two. And in most cases, there are two who decide if a child gets born or not. The least of women decide for the child if their partner says no. Society needs to step in and change the disadvantage into an advantage.
separatism leads to incest and lack of intelligence, immigration and a mixture of cultures is a natural beautiful event… we do not need any alternative… just a little tolerance