Interesting Stats

I think new England has some of the best weather in the world. Nice scenery. Boring cities like almost all of usa. People are smart and I would say standoffish. I don’t find them unfriendly. Unless I travel and come back and then think we are not friendly. I do think that when I travel and people know I’m from new England, I feel like they assume I’ll be unfriendly

Not as unfriendly as the dutch. I learned that from watching ted lasso.

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I have this image of Boston people being very similar to Canadians. Cool and reserved, but not unfriendly. Just not outgoing. Very educated and knowledgeable, generally. I’m not sure about the rest of New England, but mainly because I just don’t know much about the area.

Even my image of Boston people could be totally wrong. I have never known the city well and I haven’t been there for decades.

Yeah. That is pretty accurate. If you get halfway above NH or Maine, it is full of rednecks. Connecticut probably has the worst drivers in the country.

direct not unfriendly, he doesnt say enough / his part isnt big enought to be considered unfriendly lol

Looking at the colorful image you posted it is a beautiful place. What was your reason for leaving?

Honestly, Reg, I have serious doubts about that goal because of your age but if it’s meant to be I know some door will open and you will walk right through it, living out the rest of your days with the warmth of the sun on your face. Good luck with that.

Geez, Reg. It sounds like your quality of life has been built around Recreation and convenience or Walkability.

That is a really pretty area of the country. If you wanted to see the best NH or Maine has to offer, where would you go? I bet the seafood there is really good.

Portsmouth New Hampshire would probably be the best place to visit in New Hampshire. Ogunquit or York Maine are good. Anything along the coast. Maine has a long coast. New Hampshire, not so much. All the hiking is in New Hampshire though. Maine didn’t spend any money on mountain trails. I guess maine has acadia, but it is unremarkable.


Tons of gays in Ogunquit, so I’d avoid if traveling with homophobes.

A girl, of course. That said, I feel far more at home in Vancouver, despite all its flaws.

I have doubts about it, too. I will try to make it happen but I’m not a kid anymore.

Right. Exactly. That’s how it’s supposed to be. Life is to be enjoyed, not slogged through.

I am seriously thinking about totally upending my business life, buying a property halfway around the world, and spending half my time outside of Canada for one primary reason: I like the idea of waking up in the morning and riding my bicycle around the shores of the Caribbean Sea. I also like the idea of hopping on a boat now and then and going to the tiny Caribbean islands that surround Cartagena.

Yes, I would make more money if I stayed in Canada all year. I do not care at all. I have enough money. Far less than some, but I don’t care.

Last year around this time, a close friend of mine did assisted suicide (or Medical Assistance In Dying as we call it here). He led a good life and did many things before he died. By the end of last year, cancer had run rampant through his whole body and all he had left was agony. I was there when he died and got to spend a bit of time with him. Do you think we spent one moment talking about the money he saved, the risks he didn’t take, or the places he didn’t go because he was getting older? Do you think we talked about what his bank balance was? Or how comfortable his home was? Or what he drove? Nobody cared about those things, including him.

I have led a good life and have done many interesting things but I don’t feel like I’m done yet. When my turn comes on that end-of-life bed, I will look back and think of the places I’ve been, the things I’ve done, the people whose lived I’ve touched, and who touched mine. The best thing I ever did was sell the data center and move to the village of Mosquera in the High Andes. I’m not dissing the data center. I couldn’t have afforded to move to the Andes if I hadn’t slogged there for a decade, but I don’t consider that slogging to be a highlight of my life. I believe I might yet be able to add a few highlights to my current list.

Well, that sounds heavenly, but there again, every day that goes by you get older and more tired but I think it will be fun to see how motivated you really are lol.

I didn’t mean to imply that you can’t make that happen but you better get started lol. Keep us posted on your progress.

Numbeo’s cost of living index is out for 2024. Vancouver didn’t make the list, thank God.

I’m surprised Atlanta is that high. Nothing else surprised me.