Interesting Fist Tat I Saw In Chilliwack While Driving Yesterday

$DIS on his right fist.

Finally walked on the little path by the nice creek on Patterson Rd. Nice houses nearby benches have been put there there is a memorial wooden plaque to someone with a dis to the person who stole the one below it. An old guitar body is tacked to a tree almost no litter which I picked up.

For some reason some ppl at the Sardis Library were talking loudly about Joe Mulligan the sex offender and fraudster, alkie, pc thief and the red faced Surrey businessman who I lost my lawsuit to and my ex friend in Pitt Meadows and for some reason Mr.Zaiser who I have not heard about since 2006. The red faced guy claimed in a post to the van.general newsgroup on USENET and Google Groups that Mr.Zaiser had an extensive criminal record but he told so many lies online who knows. I did not like Zaiser and his visitors but after chasing him back into his condo which was next to my parents and smashing his vehicle I had no further problems with him he used to have black leather bikers from Alberta visit him. The loud magpies also felt sorry for Jeremy Dyck being chased by a baseball bat wielding man. Library staffer stated loudly they were not afraid to call the RCMP sad that some govt employees won’t call RCMP out of fear or gang or criminal ties those ppl should be fired. Sardis Library male staff has the most impressive physical specimens of any library even the 7 story main Vancouver library and yes some of the female staff are good looking. You looking for single Mom’s going nowhere fast try Sardis library. Of course there are ppl there just using the library.

My bad I posted this to the wrong category what can I say I only had 4.5 hours of dream deprived sleep looking forward to a nap.

It’s ok, @GregCarr, nobody cares here about putting things in the right category.

That guitar is no longer on the tree don’t know if it was vandalism or wind or squirrels.

I made a holiday kahoot. Yes, I know the holidays are over. The chess trivia was such a hit (2 people actually took it), I bet we could get another 2 people to do this one. I made this 3 weeks ago, but just duplicated it for bbad. Same rules as the chess one, but this had 20 questions. I haven’t figured out a prize for this one yet. I might compliment one of your posts sometime.

The code is 08398851


I thought I put this is happy new year lol.

I sucked again. My score: Kahoot!

I lucked out on a few. I had no idea what Grinch’s dog was named but got it right by guessing. I got all the movie questions wrong.

You got 14/20. So far 13 people have taken it and nobody has gotten more than 14.

complimenting a post as a reward? lol
i personally dislike those trivia spam things but am sure your effort is appreciated (or at least by 2)

I took it and I must say, I enjoyed trying, albeit unsuccessfully, to beat Reg’s score lol. I didn’t see 13 other scores though.

I made this one for bbad only. It’s a duplicate. Glad you enjoyed!

Thinki, I can’t think of a virtual gift to give here.

I did your Kahoot

After I made a few perceived thumb/eye coordination errors, I realized I was not trying to answer the question based on what I read or answer I thought. I was trying to score 9797.

Reg= astigmatism with most flattening of both eye lenses and individual flattening of one lens. Severe flattening of :eyes: and single eye extreme flattening.
AgeofGrace=noticeable astigmatism and flattening of one eye🧿. Eye looks stuck unable to contract and dilated disproportionately to other.
Nick=possible astigmatism with flattening of ken eye lens📸

Are you impotent? Is that why the racism and and threatening to look up c/p and act out.

Don’t be a p.o.s. Greg. Reg should have set you up with some Cialis and now there are humans commercials. You supposedly have free health so you can see a urologist.

But you can still be a pos, soft man. A pos is a pos.

Don’t act so hurt as if it makes you deserving. You don’t know the real pain it requires.

No I am not impotent but nor can I claim to be a stud. I am not racist and I have no idea what your other comment even means. You are obviously a drug addict and a complete mess. I already killfiled your DMs as they were boring and idiotic.

Whatever you silly and pathetic drug addict with the fake name.

Push it with me and your getting locked up even if it is just a diversionary program.
It’s for your own good. I am powerless to stop it once you set it in motion. Disrespecting me is mindless, just how the system operates.