Most of us don’t get more attractive as we age. There is beauty in aging gracefully and staying healthy. I’d give my health a 7.6 at this point. Assuming my BP is good, it should be higher.
It was 9F today, or about -13C. Too cold for haircuts.
Most of us don’t get more attractive as we age. There is beauty in aging gracefully and staying healthy. I’d give my health a 7.6 at this point. Assuming my BP is good, it should be higher.
It was 9F today, or about -13C. Too cold for haircuts.
I wonder if your blood pressure will go up you get your colonoscopy.
Wrong thread. You win…fallout! I wonder if Michele’s hair will fall out during chemo.
Look to buy a wig to get back on topic Michele. If you are having a meltdown then lose hair. Or stop it.
I went to Treasurz in Chilliwack for the first time the other day I spent $30 including tip and gave the barber shop a 4 out of 5 on Google Reviews . It is owned by an Aboriginal woman. I have had many dreams or nightmares of me in the future and I always have good hair.
It probably will after I eat that unhealthy diet for a week.
I have never had a colonoscopy and (not being Dutch) I have hangups about having things up there so I will avoid one for as long as possible. Good luck, though.
It probably will after I eat that unhealthy diet for a week.
Really? I thought it was a protein shake.
Head hair. Scalp hair or facial hair possibly. Return to topic.
Head hair. Scalp hair or facial hair possibly. Return to topic.
Don’t tell me what to do, please. If a conversation strays from the topic, I might learn something.
Silly to worry about staying on topic in a tiny forum like this one.
I agree. I can count the users on both hands.
I apologize about this comment Michele if you are dealing with any health or even just beauty issues. I have known people go through 10 chemotherapy treatments and not lose hair. Not implying you are undergoing any or anyone here has cancer.
I am having trouble dealing with my hair and it’s a more complex issue than it seems. Last week the regrowth was looking fine and the the burn up and my head looking like it was burned of by a nuke. Actually lighter color and and offset to the side circle like somebody shoved a cat’s head on its own excrement.
But minoxidil does work. Not very good though for myself. At first I bought a cheap brand and it might have been formulated for women as some are (I don’t know how as it’s just minoxidil), but all I grew back looked liked women’s thin hair. I used to use it daily in copious amounts and cook it under a tight baseball cap. People hated me for this and beer drinking.
Now I just apply it after my hair is short after being cut and no more than once a week if at all until next haircut. I do full head after cut and the partials after. Like too, front or sides at one time. It’s just not necessary and it makes my face puffy and sag. Also that nuclear temperature makes me a very hot head.
Keep in mind what you put in excess on your scalp will sometimes trickle down inside your face and cheeks and forehead. Inside this brand now with biotin and swivel side pump I got from Amazon. I would use more if I could see more hair. I do not leave it in all day but rinse my hair and scalp after a few hours to cool down the cooking.
I apologize about this comment Michele if you are dealing with any health or even just beauty issues.
I went to Treasurz in Chilliwack for the first time the other day I spent $30 including tip and gave the barber shop a 4 out of 5 on Google Reviews . It is owned by an Aboriginal woman. I have had many dreams or nightmares of me in the future and I always have good hair.
That’s a very interesting story. Almost like Anansi. But he was just a spider not a tarantula. I have an idea of a new tattoo for you on your head of a tarantula throwing hairs with it’s rear legs.
One of my favorite hair care products is this: snot gel or moco de
. It’s probably going to be tariffed as it’s hecho en Mexico. But it has good smell and very good hold and texture. It comes in a variety of colors and I a have used the white and green yellow before( the white actually comes in an al black container). If you have blonde hair either is a plus. I recently found this red and it is the best for me but doesn’t show up red. There is a drawback to every color though, the hair looks thick and full and very little signs of white or grey and very dark for several hours especially if kept moist and this does cause problems with heavy sweating and I sweat way more than the average person even in cool temps when no body else is sweating.
The drawback? It makes the hair look more white and like cobwebs after several hours and the next day. It’s a trade off.
My religion forbids tats and I have none.
My religion forbids tats and I have none.
I also have none, and I find them totally disgusting. Show me the most beautiful girl in the world and, if she has a tatt, I’m not even slightly interested. Self-inflicted skin cancer.
I oddly find tats interesting I bought Tattoo magazine once. I thought in the 1980’s of getting some but never did. A full back marihuana leaf on my back was one idea glad I did not do that. Guy I knew in Richmond do you remember Rob Evans? He had a few tats that would freak his now wife each time he got one and he got one on his arm with him and her and their 3 children finally. It looks nice. She let him buy a motorcycle. They are married 38 years now.