
Ever wonder what people looked like 5700 years ago?

I love duck.

Me too, although it’s bit fatty. Dark skin and blue eyes is a combination that is extremely rare today.

There is a lot to consume here. If you could only focus on his most important work, what would you Google?

nothing, he is of no importance to me

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Me either but history is important to me and I need a crash course in what’s important, like the Eisenhower Doctrine. I think that’s pretty important but then, that’s the only thing I’ve read. It’s okay. I’m sure someone here finds history important.
I wonder if Eisenhower believed in aliens. :thinking:

lol i understand, he was one of your presidents and sure history is important as long as you realise its just stories from people

lol i doubt eisenhower believed in aliens unless you mean “people that are not white”

Well, no. I’m sure he believed in people of all colors, shapes and sizes. I wonder if he believed in people who are not human.

ah you made me google him! lol

“These are not bad people,” the president said. “All they are concerned about is to see that their sweet little girls are not required to sit in school alongside some big black bucks.”


maybe it wasnt the canadians that supplied the ingredients for the atomic bomb but other aliens! lol

lol I should have googled. I’ll reply after I’ve had a chance to read it. In the mean time, I was listening to music earlier and heard a song I haven’t heard in years so I googled weaver and was educated, a little.

“ruled in 2001 that Horiuchi could be tried on state charges. But a new county prosecutor, Brett Benson, had been elected in 2000 and dismissed the case, saying it was unlikely the state would be able to prove the criminal charges.”

I knew nothing about this event. I’d like to know why this FBI sniper escaped justice. I mean, I know they cover for each other but why do they continue to get away with it. They are suspected of deliberately setting fire to Waco but they aren’t having to answer for it. How do they get away with so much crime and then burn so much of our tax dollars on investigations into communication with aliens?

“but a deal was signed with a race called “Alien Greys”.”

Weird This “deal” was not in that list I posted. What kind of deal does a man make with an alien?

Greys have since become the subject of many conspiracy theories. Many conspiracy theorists believe that Greys represent part of a government-led disinformation or plausible deniability campaign, or that they are a product of government mind-control experiments.[15]During the 1990s, popular culture also began to increasingly link Greys to a number of military-industrial complex and New World Order conspiracy theories.

I’ve never heard of this, no surprise, but completely believable.

This was in Morning Brew.

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President 2021 Final Score

Abraham Lincoln 95.2
George Washington 92.7
Franklin D. Roosevelt 81.8
Dwight D. Eisenhower 81.4
Theodore Roosevelt 79.3
Barack Obama 75.5
Jimmy Carter 71.7
John Adams 71.6
Harry S. Truman 71.3
John Quincy Adams 69.9
Thomas Jefferson 69.1
James Madison 68.5
Ronald Reagan 65.4
James Monroe 63.2
George H. W. Bush 63.1
John F. Kennedy 61.8
Ulysses S. Grant 60.8
Calvin Coolidge 60.4
Woodrow Wilson 59.6
Gerald R. Ford 59.5
William McKinley 59.4
William Howard Taft 59.3
James A. Garfield 58.6
Lyndon B. Johnson 54.8
Grover Cleveland 53.5
George W. Bush 51.4
Benjamin Harrison 48.6
James K. Polk 48.6
Zachary Taylor 48.0
Herbert Hoover 47.1
Chester A. Arthur 47.0
Andrew Jackson 46.3
Rutherford B. Hayes 45.5
Martin Van Buren 45.4
William Henry Harrison 43.8
Millard Fillmore 34.5
John Tyler 33.8
William J. Clinton 30.0
Franklin Pierce 29.2
Warren G. Harding 26.9
Richard M. Nixon 21.7
Andrew Johnson 20.3
James Buchanan 19.1
Donald J. Trump 18.7

  • what year is it?
  • 2022
  • 2016

0 voters

if you answered 2022, you have better mental health than donald trump, the man who sued hillary clinton over the election in the year i hope you didn’t click in my poll

i also hope you didn’t vote in my poll
cuz it be rigged