Hi Smileage Club. Dental & Oral Maintenace

Oral and Dental Thread. Tips and problems with teeth, gums, etc. Everything about inside the mouth.

Here is my opener. I was digging through some bins trying to organize and found these with some other stuff packed away for years. Cheap half bite guard unshaped. Yes, this causes a lot of salivation, and I am not using it for sleep. But while at the computer right now while I work on some forms and probably as much as possible, I’ll stuff this in to prevent teeth grinding and clenching. Little things like this make big differences you will notice. You might not even know you have the problem. This actually corrects the habit when it gets more habitual, and you can go more without it after time.

Strongly suggested. Clear with an easy pull tab if you need to remove it and hold with one hand to talk, drink, or spit. If your teeth are superficial and even if you have and currently have the best dental care money can provide, but it’s still just too superficial…its just a small love tap to put them in place better.
Maybe somebody keeps blasting out their teeth shouting and pools yours as resources.

Place your bets.

Ask you may have recently experienced dental health is mental health. And a boost to dental health can increase mental health and performance…although short lived if squandered.

But gum infections are very serious and can be brain and heart threatening as they are often the only line of defense for certain bacteria. It took me several months of daily treatment and thousands of dollars of injections to finally cure my gums and get low numbers with the dental tooth/gum probe.

I showed these before and I don’t like this new formulas as it got watery and not like a firm gel too quick. These denture looking things are just a delivery system. My gums started bleeding slightly after flossing and having some white color but not the dark red. No more bleeding with aggressive deep flossing. They didn’t prescribe me more meds last visit. But I still saved tubes. Using again to avoid a flare up and return.

Don’t fear the teeth, fear the gums. Teeth aren’t much without them.

Same pic from the skin Care thread that’s why my face looks coppery

You can buy these tubes from Amazon I think, if the dentist office won’t sell them. Maybe you can just use gauze and suck hard to get the delivery. Sounds like a venomous lizard. Lol, the way people treat my mouth like it’s that dangerous.