You know what? I don’t care and nobody can blame me for this. I am staying out of this.
The Ummah is making a travesty out of herself (why is there an Ummah including even nuclear Pakistan when it is of no collective defense use?).
…and the allies (The US and Canada) castrated the only true nemesis.
Good going, allies (of the soviet union).
So instead of jewrs truely Daniel putting things into strict order and letting Judah respect Gad’s authority as a representative of
the masterrace is getting fatter and fatter leaning back on the sofa listening to Pastor Lindstedt. And the best is: I am not guilty. The rest of the world is! Not me.
Where are those proud victors of WWII now?
Hello? Is there any Ummah left for a million man march?
Feels good to be blameless for once! Spotless and without a wrinkle just like a virgin (in this regard at least).