These are light soups.
It would be better if everyone sat down and had a soup and carrot and celery sticks just for the one meal they were there together.
Also sometimes it is just what you need. Like you wouldnât feed a baby koala eucalyptus leaves without feeding it pap first.
This is not requiring an emergency stool transplant but sometimes you just need to shut up and eat what is appropriate for you Reggie.
Got it?
Why donât you, Mark? Nobody asks you to post your food here, or tell us about your weight. If you do so on a public forum, you are implicitly inviting (or at least permitting) comments. You have every right to keep such things private if you dislike comments.
9.4 pounds in under 5 days.
Oh itâs because I have a better developed digestive system than you do.
Nobody is asking you to attribute nutritional value and substance to their meals. So far you have been unable anyways.
Optimal is plant based and not caring what else falls in.
Thatâs a good slug!
Like this, this, this, or this.
Now whatâs so good about watching you eat your plain old pot of vegetables that looks like you are just looping play from a VHS cassette from 1990 something?
keep packing it on Sparky
Greens and muscle.
300 lbs. !!
That salad looks good but Iâm counting 6 eggs. Add the fish and youâre at perhaps 700 cals. Add sauce and youâre at 1000. Eat dessert and youâre at 2000.
Not counting calories Iâm tracking smart points and that is only 2 eggs.
Look, stop what you are doing with that pot of old recycled vegetables. I already explained it, you are trying to force a rupture and protrusion and a leak. I canât do that star performance stuff either. And itâs obviously taking itâs toll on your body. Itâs just like gambling or betting on a jackpot you canât win.
Just have a bowl of some new and improved and get stronger. No itâs not meat. Itâs better. Pack it in hard, hot, and heavy and get stronger and last longer in everything you do.
Eat this.
Have you seen guys at 400+?
What is it? Turds?
No. Itâs better than your dinosaur formula though.
Did you see corn flakes?
Show us your vegetables Reggie. Post your next 10 meals here.