Harold Armstead Covington

Ha-ha, joke! Sorry, but I just had to bring up this joke. Yes, yes, please stop applauding! Classic German humor, you must know…

I know, I KNOW, it doesn’t match up to Canadian humor,

but it is a very special breed of humor

I agree. It doesn’t even run a close last.

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“It is said that Trump is related to neo-nazis”
“They say someone watched the Donald do Stormy Daniels”

  • credible?

Purity is the essence of Torah/ the Tenach.

  • Take the commandments, many rejecting defilement and emphasize PURITY above all
    Food laws, marriage laws, rejection of filth and mixture e.g. not MIXING materials of clothing

Purity cannot be underestimated - never! Nietzsche knew.

This is even mentioned in the paragraph. This is a process taking time and effort. Much time and much effort - therefore better to keep things pure!

What do you know about metal alloys, Daniel? Might be worth reading a bit about those.

Very little. I know the Romans forged metal alloys in biblical times and the Romans were those who had the most lead contamination in the region causing illnesses not known in Germania Magna ( and likely also amongst Israelites)

  • I know there are metal alloys in many vaccines providing for another argument against them

But you didn’t provide [biblical] link

How did you like the classic Canadian joke flick btw.? Did You enjoy it?

I agree, but you can’t keep things pure until you make things pure first.

Alloys are the mixture of two or more pure metals to create an impure hybrid that is almost always superior to any of the original pure metals. With alloys, we have achieved incredible strength and corrosion resistance in our metals. Most metals are nearly useless in their pure form.

There’s a lesson to be had here. You might also want to look up the word “inbreeding”.

It was stupid, but I dislike most Canadian humour.

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Might be true for metals but we and me for instance, I am a creation of god. I don’t think you can compare this complex creation with a stupid metal. If I had a saying all produce would be pure so that god cannot find no spot nor wrinkle.

  • We are on this earth - at least I am - to represent the pinnacle of god’s creation - not to care about metals.

Yes, I know, I know, I work in tech until now and it might sound kind of ignorant - but I am just saying “if I was in command” like Trump…

Trump rarely says anything about God and look how he has moved so many rightward. Through Trumps work, we have been shown who the enemy is. Post all the scriptures you want but actions speak louder and Trump has worked like a saint to expose the truth.

That may not be easy for you, Daniel, since most earthly produce is probably tainted in your humble eyes.

I think it’s important to add that Trump does not in any way take the place of Jesus, our Savior. Trump is a vessel for the Lord, as are we all.

You are certifiable Michele.

If Trump claimed to have been sent from God and he’s actually Jesus’ fat, prostitute-using brother who fell out of virtue like the prodigal son but God has welcomed him back to the family, I would fully expect Trumpets (including Michele and Ben) to accept that story.

If it was written in Gods Word, I would fully expect you to accept it.

Certifiable what?

certifiably insane

It’s a blessing and it separates me from the crazies. I can’t complain.


I tried to sound it out. It sounded like hug hug f…but it gives me a complex.