Interesting topic. DC is back producing Swamp Thing after going dormant for for about a year I think as I just started getting subscription issues again. One issue was just a #1 short dollar comic then 2 big #1 and #2 giant 100 page issues.
Well as you know the Kale was, in fact, very sick looking and the pepper plant was healthy. After the blessing and curse I watered them both equally. The blessed kale began to flourish but the cursed pepper plant didn’t really do much. Then I left for a weekend and went to watch my daughter graduate in Arizona.
Upon my return, the kale had been eaten by worms and died. I never ate from it.
Over time, the pepper plant began to produce peppers so when it came time to harvest, I threw everything I produced to the ground. I didn’t plan to eat what I cursed but later Dusty went out and took peppers from all the plants including the cursed plant and prepared them in our food so I ate it.