Garbage Problems In Hope BC Burned Out Trailers And Wrecked Cars. I

I can’t restore any lost gun rights Greg. Don’t think I need to actually and there are lots of alternatives like chess…
No shame there or I will lift it here tonight.

This is a sad story indeed Greg. This all looks familiar to me but maybe over 10 or even 15 years back. We just can’t live in the past especially when we were trying to live in the past back then. But there was somebody here in the NW area like yourself but lower in latitude and on the states side. The thread here was just highlighting various crimes, violence, and overall lawlessness overrunning things. Seemed to be the main thing of pride or all that this individual felt he had to offer. What was sad to me is that this individual I spoke to before this site, and he criticized me about drug use and differences in preferences and values. I highly suspected this individual later became addicted to the very things he condemned me about and basically what he thought I was.
I can’t really say honestly who I was at times. Not to be deceitful, but just that I can’t explain if I had died to let some others live through me for a while. I don’t want to get too much into this right now as often it seems I’m patching memories together that I have that I can’t say I actually ever experienced.
But this isn’t so much about me as it is this lost individual.
A shame is sometimes like a seal. Not an animal seal but lock a lock on some behavior or mindset or just persona. Do you remember when I was very, very, Christian here? The studies I did and just the exclusion of everything else. One day I got tired of this indivudal posting his usual stuff and looked up about 10 different charities and programs for challenged individuals and recovery in his area and sent in donations and actually put his name in honor of and for salvation of on some the slips along with checks.
One of the places was a place for young folk he mentioned he was mentoring chess at…this is where I think I can help.

I’ll do a part 2. I don’t advise toughing this topic until then.

Let just finish this as I said shame lifted and its still before midnight here.

If you feel strongly suicidal don’t do it.

I volunteer. Just like a lot of people. Some do it just for the reward in itself or just to serve God. Some expect nothing in return but appreciate things like supplies or a brunch in appreciation. But there are very few paid positions and lots od petty jealousies. I found that out trying to make a return to church and found myself conspired against in a very unscrupulous and shameful manner. Just like Michele here. Not everybody has a relationship with God or anything near with that they proclaim without at least having to cut into somebody holier than thou’s. Not everyone is going to be an Elijah or Moses or Paul the Apostle.

Sometimes shame is put on us to cover things up when people feel threatened or just badly about honesty. You were here right once right? You weren’t paid either were you? You did the work still under fear of poor performance or scrutiny of being some deviant to be watched around children. You are not alone in your feelings right now. I just don’t have convictions tied to the parties .

But why you aren’t the BatMan or some KingPin in the community should be of trivial concern to you. This is hypocritical and why you feel like you don’t make a difference.

Have a good night.

Lost gun rights? I have no idea what you are typing about.

I know I make a difference. I don’t know anyone suicidal. Much of what you type makes no sense. Kingpin and Batman like who and who cares?

Kim Castro I exposed today as an online scammer.

PT-49 WA-1600 BC plates BCW Traffic praising HA at Owl Laundry.

Jeremy Nathan Dyck,45, hangs with the homeless in Chilliwack used to deal cocaine in Newton threaten ppl with a baseball bat or brass knuckles or a gun. Lived in the same building as the murdered Lisa Baines he is not cleared by police in that crime which took place in the alley where Jeremy used to threaten ppl and walk around with brass black knuckles or walk around with a baseball bat. They both were regulars at Kelly’s Pub where Jeremy sold drugs it was managed by HA Darren Chow he wore Haney HAMC support gear and posted their logos on his FB he got the Surrey Police Service to charge me with two crimes but those charges were dropped.

Called out the dicky waver of Water St here in Hope 3 times in public various witnesses I saw a guy who hanged with Jeremy here in Hope BC also hanging with toque wearing dicky waver the guy drives a black Jeep.

Told the world about the sex offences and fraud and thievery and drunkeness and pot dealing and bootlegging of Joe Mulligan who unfortunatly is back on FB posting things that maybe one in 10 gets a thumbs up.

Picked up litter today.

Ppl tell me I got Randy fired from Lordco I never told the Hope Lordco anything about anybody but I did get Joe Mulligan fired from the Newton Lordco.

Exposed the Mayor of Hope being afraid to criticize HAMC despite his town having the highest per capita drug overdose rate in BC last year.

Exposed the Hope RCMP word for word a convo I had inside their building 7 ppl present all on the RCMP payroll including Mike now the head horseman here now, was repeated back to back to me in Pitt Meadows by a HA guy. Why HA would want me to know that or would want to expose a guy to me as HA who I had no clue about I don’t know.

Shouted at the nazi inside the McDonald’s no one else did nothing. His grandson wearing the plain black shirt same as Jeremy came outside and said he hated hanging with his grandpa.

Give $ to charity. Spread the Bible a fair bit. Got a lowlife creepy red faced alkie mentally ill stalker deported from America. Tried to get Greenbaum in Nova Scotia another trial for 2 of his 4 murders because I know it did not go down like the drug addict said it did who testified against him and admits he helped shoot the two ppl. Google Greenbaum in alt.true-crime in Google Groups.

As for GOD I read the Bible daily and own around 10 of them wear a JESUS chain and condemn the Nijjar murder to the Modi crowd sometimes. JESUS is my LORD and SAVIOR and HIS DAD created the universe and unfortunately Satan.

What is your real name?

Amen to that. I don’t like the Khalistanis but I like even less the Hindu death squad that killed this guy.

Interesting story I know Seattle has noticeably worse crime than Vancouver here some ppl write ACAB on a wall or put a officer in hospital in Seattle they occupied the police station HQ for 6 months and 40% of the cops quit. I was mugged of $5 in Seattle in the 80’s. Chinatown crime Seattle way worse than Chinatown Vancouver crime. Glad I quit drugs 23 years ago and booze 23 months ago.

Who paid the hitmen the years they spent in Canada illegally not working or at school? Follow the money! Modi censored the BBC in India. I think they should have a independence vote in Punjab like Quebec did twice and Slovakia and Scotland and Catelonia.

The Catalonia referendum was ignored. They voted to separate and nobody cared.

Sorry Greg, I must have had the wrong person. It’s hard to move forward when so many are still Covid imposing on the overall health and the cases for EDD fraud are just coming through. Talk about gaslighting with those claims cut short like that. Had over 3k left in mine scheduled.

Moral of the story was lots of volunteers, very few paid positions. Favoritism, envy, jealousy and misplaced suspicion. The most hurtful was when those in the positions with authority and pay decide it’s not enough for them and make codependents of those under them. Also where does the guilt go?
Trickle down or trickle up?

Just need to move forward.

Actually the govt of Madrid told them to stuff it.

They did more than that. They threw the leaders in prison.