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I found this definition of the guilt-concept by some Lucifer fan website. It doesn‘t go into details but that‘s all I got:

“You humans. You send yourselves. Driven down by your own guilt. Forcing yourselves to relive your sins over and over. And the best part… the doors aren’t locked. You could leave anytime. It says something that no one ever does, doesn’t it?”
Lucifer Morningstar in “Off the Record

thats literally what lucifer says in that tv episode…


The Bible refers to Hell as “eternal”. That doesn’t imply you can leave anytime.

I Googled some more. The Bible is clear that you can’t leave Hell. The doors are not unlocked.

Luke 16:23-26

In Hades, where he was in torment, he looked up and saw Abraham far away, with Lazarus by his side. So he called to him, ‘Father Abraham, have pity on me and send Lazarus to dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, because I am in agony in this fire.’

“But Abraham replied, ‘Son, remember that in your lifetime you received your good things, while Lazarus received bad things, but now he is comforted here and you are in agony. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us.’

lies, according to the bibles their god is almighty and can do anything…

Yes I know that. I just wanted to provide the information I could find about the guilt „defined“ in that tv series. That tv series has not much to do with the Bible other basic characters and stories. I just wasn‘t sure about if that guilt-concept used in the series is being taught by any Christian organization, because it seemed so strange and unfair to me. But so do many things in the Bible, lol.

Regarding to my question you fully answered it already. Thank you.

No it doesn’t. For me, it means I need forgiveness and if I’m smart, I’ll seek that forgiveness and then move on.

How can you end up in “their hell” if you don’t believe in it?
Also, how do you know you’re not in Hell already or do you feel like you’re in Hell?

May I ask why you ask that. I agree with Reg. I’ve never heard of any such sect, although a person might feel like they are going to burn in Hell when spiritually convicted but there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ.

are you saying that just searching for forgiveness is enough for you to move on and you wont feel any guilt if you did that even if you are not actually forgiven?

you would have to ask yourself that question (i think religious nuts will put anyone there that dont believe/have faith in their god, of course i do not believe i will actually end up in any hell)

because i choose not to create any hell for myself or anyone else to live in…


so are you really saying that if someone believes they did something wrong and they dont believe your god forgives them (so they must not have faith in your god), they are still going to heaven and not to hell?

Well, no, not for me. I feel a strong need to be forgiven every day. When I said “move on” I just meant that a person has to let go of what we can’t change.

Again, no, but I don’t believe that a person is not forgiven if they ask forgiveness. His mercies are renewed every morning.

Well, okay, yes, I do.

Isn’t that contrary to what religious nuts want for all of mankind?

So you believe you’re going to Heaven. That is extremely good news and fills my heart with great joy. :heart_eyes:

Did I say that? I can only say there is no condemnation in Christ.

sorry to hear that, sounds very tiring to me

that sounds like excellent advice to me

all required is asking your god eh? hmm are you saying that if you kill your neighbour’s baby tomorrow, you dont have to ever ask forgiveness from the parents that lost their little kid and you can wait another 30 years until you are almost dead yourself and then only ask your god and then all is well and you go to heaven?

not if they only care about people that have the same views

lol no, i believe i and everyone else will end up either in the ground or in the sea… being eaten by worms or fish

how can there be no condemnation if the non-believers are send to hell and you believe that is right?

I just did an old Lucifer character quiz and I am happy to be like Linda. :smiley:

Gundi got:


You’re an introspective, fun, and caring person. You’re a loyal friend and a fantastic listener. You care so deeply about those you love that sometimes you take on too much to make them happy. You have a clear head on your shoulders, give great advice, and always go the extra mile to help your friends.


lol nice appropriate gif

Tiring? Have you never done anything wrong?

No, I’m not saying that at all but since God searches the heart He knows a broken spirit from a fake plea.

Do you always seek a scapegoat for the things you can’t face?

Sounds hopeless.

I specified no condemnation for those in Christ. How can a non-believer complain when they plainly testify against the existence of God and make clear they have nothing to do with anything Eternal?

Yes, appropriate.

You are wrong, Michele. That’s exactly the deal. From all accounts, Jeffrey Dahmer who killed and dismembered 17 boys and men repented and accepted Christ and under Christian orthodoxy he is now in Heaven.

His Word also says that not everyone who says, Lord, Lord will go to Heaven.

yes sounds very tiring to me to have “a strong need to be forgiven every day”

yes and no, depends on one’s perspective
i always do what i think is right at the time, but yes at a later time that may not have been the optimal thing to do or even the wrong thing to do

why would an almighty all-knowing god have to search for anything? and not fix what is broken? that sounds very fake to me

never, i just call things as i see them…

yes indeed! its also realistic and beautiful… if i imagine that all life would be followed by an afterlife?.. now that seems hopeless to me, how can a life without death have any meaning?

simple: wouldnt you complain about the lack of humanity of a person if they want you (and think its right for you) to suffer for eternity just because you believe or dont believe in something?

Are you suggesting I stop praying?

How do you deal with wrongs? Do you just dismiss it as nothing?

The same way death without life has no meaning.

No. Isnt that projecting another persons beef with you onto yourself?

I love the music in Lucifer, it often fits so well with the scenes. Like here the song Ashes, when Charlotte Richards (the human) dies after protecting Amenadiel (angel turned human because he lost his celestial powers and features like slowing down time and his wings due to self-doubts) from getting killed by Cain. For some reason Amenadiel got his powers back due to the emotions I guess the death of Charlotte raised in him. This hulk of a man (not my cup of tea physically but absolutely regarding his calm and caring character (which also only grew because of his experiences on earth), shedding tears and throws all his willpower into his wings finally to appear again for giving the soul of Richards a first class ticket to heaven - that‘s just perfect and the music is the icing on top of that scene. I nearly get goosebumps out of joy. Oh well, till Chloe and especially Dan arrived. But then again, the song fits. And actually it‘s even worse for Lucifer, as he knows he will never be able to see her again, as due to the feather he detected, he knew, Richards went to a place he will never be able to go to and see her or any of his friends when they are dead.

yes, praying can be very harmful and damage braincells; its like a placebo… instead you could take real action / provide or get real aid

never dismiss or nothing is learned, i will do what i can to right the wrong

no, it isnt projecting when iam not the one wanting to harm anyone