This topic is about E.D. not just a pill or manufacturer. So I might share some tips. I was going to do share something right away, actually a pill that isn’t marketed as anything such I feel benefitted me slightly.

Now there are factors like food and nutrition but you have to understand those are open to misinterpretation. If somebody is showing you a steamed pot of veggies, they might be showing you what it was before it was b.m. and before it was ruptured, not what they actually eat and create organs and tissue from. Also keep in mind the heart factor and blood pressure. Blood force erections especially rock hard ones require extremely high blood pressure and a very powerful heart and musculature.

People have a real problem with that and would prefer to manage a papercut with sips of coffee to regulate that. They shouldn’t be yoked or trying to impede that if they are going to have the problem.
And it is always a problem for them, of course they will never hear they are causing you any problem or what they are doing is selfish, unfair, or biased or discriminant to you in anyway.

Remember what the appeal of the “special diet” is with some liars. Often the feces are not nutrient rich for plant and or bacteria or supporting life they are very weak. As little digestion as possible indicating a weak stomach and inferior digestive. Thus they can make it seem less offensive. It’s not like the the flesh from grass fed animals or free range or the eggs. There is no change in structure or much chemical or biological work. It is just pushing a turd up front and playing the romantic that it isn’t.

For some people it is just easy as going #2 in their briefs after a meal of pinto beans or oats and tying a knot. Your eye may match a similarity on some video or digital image or real life, but the actual placeholder to what that is mapped over may be nothing like the real thing

Do you remember Reg’s harsh critique of my weight and diet and health?

Do you remember his dietary discipline with that seemed disgusting pot of vegetables that looked a decade old and preserved somehow? Also his calorie estimation and concerns about fat. Remember some fat feels good and fat under the skin makes it supple and soft and resilient. When somebody looks wasted away like a paper bag, that is a lack of good young healthy subdermal fat. That makes everything stronger.

But about Reg’s diet. He stresses it is good healthy veggies. Those could be high in sulfur and breaking down his bones with acids. But from his meal he won’t gain any weight. He will not put on any muscle mass from his food intake. Zero muscle mass gain. No weight gain. There is also loss of bone density and muscle mass and connective tissue weakening like the collagen in his skin. He had success with weight loss but admits he can’t drop any more weight and claims it is fat. it could be fat increasing with rapid muscle atrophy still showing weight loss. But it could be an accumulation of fecal matter.

Soo see the veggies. He won’t be making any muscle from them. Zero weight gain and no muscle gain. He won’t be producing new cells or new tissue or making some special fluid for ejaculate. He won’t be a new kind of beef like grass feed beef. He is showing you a very simple meal that he says is healthy and natural for you to judge by the fecal mass produced from it. He plans to use this fecal matter to impact his external reproductive organs.

So that is the “special diet”. It’s just like me showing you what I dropped in the toilet and telling you about the apple pie I ate with special nutmeg and cinnamon etc. That’s the trick. The less digested the less offensive and more special through the transformation process. Often times it is indicative of a weak digestive. That’s it. Nothing more special about it.

It’s not like the special silk worms produce from eating special leaves. There is no mystery no magic.

No, Mark, I don’t remember any such harsh critique. Please link to it.

Think of all the special “hot” talk and then taking a wide lens flashlight and putting it underneath some spring rolls and finding a “surprise” that should be no surprise. When I see serious looks on people with kind of infantile maturity and development acting as if it is just the opposite, it is the definition of irony.

If you are doing this to your partner, I wouldn’t see how you would get offended when you are limited to some short touch contact through a plastic bag commonly used for dog droppings while out for walks. This can be either gender btw.

Now if you do things this way because this is who you are and how you express yourself, so be it. If you eat a variety of meals are take a different dessert from the menu to make “something special” to share and there is some kind of transmutation and magic then more power to you.

But some people just kill things with the same tired old pot of veggies day after day to no purpose but depravity and death.

I’m not saying you should treat yourself like a piece of meat like eating pineapples and soy sauce prior to being served as duck or chicken dinner. But you shun meat. Fine. You have tried meat before. You do take notice that cattle fed of grass do not taste like or look like grass in flavor and composition . Some cattle have been fed exclusively off a certain type of grass and may exhibit a different quality or characteristic to their meat.

You can eat veggies but you are not beef.

You’re another one that can go die you crazy fat pinoy.go now and die.

I can’t be one if they are defined as being all impotent. I don’t mind helping people out, but what you are suggesting is homosexual to me.

I told you producing an erection causes a problem for some people. Obviously somebody is just now experiencing the effects of prolonged bagoong hardon.

Hey, maybe I like flamingos.

But back on topic I made a reference to Reggie being like a duck. Have you studied their anatomy or even a small pig in biology? The erection looks like the cord for a old style phone receiver in a one way spiral. It could be just as easy as getting that to click at the endpoints. Even a few millimeters adjustment at the vertebrae could correct that. I use an erection to align my entire body, so I have use for it other than sex. Not all erections are the same and you can have more than one facet to yours.

But I need to make something else clearer.

Pinoy is a good term. You say something else then you know there is something that can be measured in gauss.

You can’t say filipino once, you have to say it at least 3 times repeatedly and fast. Do you ever ask yourself why?

linda ronstadt should not have covered bonnie raitt’s “love has no pride”
linda ronstadt could cover a natural disaster and improve it
it isn’t fair
and bonnie’s was good enough

Why don’t you add in impotent or some size reference?

you impotent, needle dick pinoy.

Let me make this clear to you. You are anyone else are not allowed to rest a flaccid penis on my erection. I have no interest in sharing a female sex partner with another male simultaneously.

crazy fatbody

Ever eat this in the military? What is he saying? Just watched this guy today came up at random.
Seems knowledgeable with lots of historical knowledge.


An erection does not have to be horizontal if standing or vertical if lying down. And some erections just are not the same as others.

Even female hyena’s have pseudo erections of a pseudo penis. I don’t know if you would call it pseudo if it was a complete organ for a male of different species.

Also some might keep it inside and have something similar to a cloacal kiss between them just like birds.

Urban Dictionary: cloacal kiss

no reg
i don’t want you to change it back
and i won’t change it back
what i want is you to stop acting like
and start doing
also world peace
also fuck you

This is way too much or maybe not. Avoid alcohol with something this salty. This will toughen you up like brine or maybe not. Restaurant quality and off the shelf. It can be very overpowering and sometimes unpleasant. Sometimes you know when it is just the smell of love.

Maybe your pills make you feel fancy.