Elon Musk Madness

Well, that’s not what you asked the first time, but I admit I have no idea why he chose to close down Brazilian operations rather than block those accounts.

I’ve gone from somewhat liking Elon to disliking him quite strongly.

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That feels good. What else bothers you?

Elon caved and X is back in Brasil.

This is a no-brainer and a waste of time.

Agreed. Elon is guilty of election interference.

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Elon claims to have gotten rid of most of the censorship on Twitter. Obviously not all, though.

lol elon would have to get rid of elon first before he would establish that


Tariff retaliation against Elon Musk brings him closer to Trump.

i wonder why elon hired these young looking guys… is he (like trump) also on the epstein list?


nice, the racist young looking guy was rehired by president elon…

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