
Balut Niacin?

Kane and Able

Have you ever wondered where words came from?
In the original Hebrew, there were no vowels.


Something to chew on, if you’re into that sort of thing.

You aren’t supposed to put those in the washing machine fool.

קין (acquired) and חבל (empty)

Twins. I actually just learned that not long ago. You seem more educated in the Bible than you let on.

These are excellent.

That is not my hand.

I don’t think other natural flavors is healthy but it tastes great.

This is my hand.

There has to be a quick, direct, and overwhelmingly decisive solution to this problem. It has reached the point of absolute intolerance in its failure, its weakness, its inferiority, and its uprising challenging arrogance.

Exploitation of the food hole.

Now show us your food hole.

John 21:15-19.

A strange set of verses. Jesus was a weirdo in general, but this near-taunting of Peter and the sick demand that he die to glorify God are particularly perverse and obscene.

The strangest of us all is Tychicus, (Termite Man the Carpenter). His food was actually his work. He glorified God in both his eating and profession.

I don’t know. He seems to fit his stereotype quite well. Most of us do, here. You and I probably deviate the most from our stereotypes, but even we both conform in many ways. Actually, now that I think about it, you don’t really conform at all. lol.

Oil makes it easier. I think this is just plain coconut oil but it looks like super scientific rocket fuel. Supposedly it is burning fat with fat and it does work. It is even recommended to be added to coffee. I used it on toast with avocado, arugula, alfalfa, and tomatoes.
It’s perfect for an oil pull of the gums as well and doesn’t dry out lips.

I don’t leak from oil. And oil like this will make unhealthy fat cry and scream and taunt “No, not good! You’ll never lose weight if you eat that!”


It’s one of those things: “The maximum amount you can use is less than the minimum amount I require.” It isn’t a competition or an ego thing. It just has to be understood as priority above all else.

Eating makes things hopeless sometimes. When I eat I usually get the comment “Eating again!”

I don’t have a terrible gash in my neck that is just a loose flap of fat that won’t heal up between next meal so I don’t understand this comment. I’m not smoothing anything over my neck to cover it up.

So I noticed the term bojo being used to refer to the PM of England. There is also a word used on the urban dictionary about a large impassible to stool due to injury risk.

Some people’s body especially in the stomach and area by the pelvis are really lacking in anything when you want to draw near for an embrace or whatever. Holding an impacted stool there for weight and touch appreciation is something I would not ever think of doing. But the teasing about “you’ll never loose weight if you eat that!” and “see, that’s why you are fat!”

That stuff isn’t fat and it not being fat, does not make it muscle or a functional organ. It’s not even visceral fat despite it maybe having high lipid concentration in its mas. It’s basically your sense of security like your sacral chakra. It’s the peace of mind and security I don’t need about having a gallon of ice cream stopping up a urinal.

If you are eating vegetable just to do this, its’ not good.

Some people look they are decomposing. I have seen people look like ice cream in the rain. It’s always a concern about weight. Fat is one thing and most people are jealous of it when there mass substance begins to show up as not what it was at first appearances. Those comments about “never losing weight!” are there denial about how much fecal matter costs them.

You can lose weight and stay anabolic on fried chicken and rib sandwiches with salads and pickles and cole slaw and be healthier and leaner than somebody eating rotting vegetables just to impact themselves so they have a store of fecal matter they convert to body mass, and not fat.