I wonder what would happen if we made a rule that everyone who attained a net worth of $1 billion would be executed. I wonder if people would stop striving for riches. Knowing myself at 30, I would probably have still tried to be a billionaire knowing that I would be killed if I succeeded. I was obsessed, not with the trappings of wealth, but with the wealth itself.
Age tends to cure that for some (but not all, as Elon Musk proves).
I wonder what would happen if we started enforcing sex with minors laws.
Somehow, I thought you inherited all that money.
What are you talking about? Elon Musk has been a picture perfect example of all the right things a wealthy person should stand for. Nothing at all like Diddy.
lol. I built that data center with nothing but my savings from my work in medical software. I started it knowing I didn’t have enough money to finish it.
Yes, you’re busted for being an idiot, true. No business anywhere pays taxes if they lose money, including in the vile Netherlands. You pay tax on profit.