
I wonder what would happen if we made a rule that everyone who attained a net worth of $1 billion would be executed. I wonder if people would stop striving for riches. Knowing myself at 30, I would probably have still tried to be a billionaire knowing that I would be killed if I succeeded. I was obsessed, not with the trappings of wealth, but with the wealth itself.

Age tends to cure that for some (but not all, as Elon Musk proves).

I wonder what would happen if we started enforcing sex with minors laws.

Somehow, I thought you inherited all that money.

What are you talking about? Elon Musk has been a picture perfect example of all the right things a wealthy person should stand for. Nothing at all like Diddy.

lol. I have inherited exactly $0 in my entire life.

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Okay, well I remember you sharing that you had sold a data center. I just assumed you used inheritance to make that purchase.

lol. I built that data center with nothing but my savings from my work in medical software. I started it knowing I didn’t have enough money to finish it.

no government subsidies?

Zero government subsidies. Not one cent. Both data centers were built on hard work, a bit of good luck, and nothing else.

hmm, so no financial help at all eh? seems unlikely…

did you also refuse the lower tax rates for small businesses and chose to pay the higher rates or is that not a thing in canada?

Nico, you are an idiot.

I don’t care if you think it’s unlikely. Feel free to go kill yourself if you don’t believe me.

I lost money for the first several years so I paid no tax until much later, at which point I assure you I paid the highest rate.

Did I mention you are an idiot?

lol busted

Yes, you’re busted for being an idiot, true. No business anywhere pays taxes if they lose money, including in the vile Netherlands. You pay tax on profit.

correct, which is a nice government subsidy

You truly might be the stupidest human being I have ever encountered.

its ok no need to get offensive, it doesnt make you a loser, just a liar lol

You must be the rudest but I’m a pig in lipstick with a loud mouth so don’t let that discourage you from being you.

MSM has started dropping crumbs on Oprah’s involvement with P Diddy. They are also reporting that the DOJ has, in fact, been weaponized.

Repulsive! :face_vomiting:

I was referring to Nico, not you, but you still may be right.

For certain, I am right. Ask anyone. You are wrong and I am right.

lol no, you are both wrong… i know and have met lots of people that are way less intelligent and way more rude than anyone that visits this forum :wink: