Cycling Through Europe

I’ve been following this Canadian guy as he cycled through Africa. Anyway, he couldn’t get a visa to Ethiopia so he bailed and is now cycling through Europe. Today he landed in Gunda’s town of Regensburg. Interesting to see it from his perspective.

am jealous of this guy, i think this is a great way to see the world and the people that live in it (if you have the time and can afford to do it)

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Bavaria looks like Massachusetts except for the housing. I guess Massachusetts is pretty diverse, too. Just reminds me of home but our house colors are boring. Not much color. I do like my gray house though. It is quite colorful inside.

Someone needs to tell him how to pronounce Regensburg. lol.

at least he didnt call it raincastle

I find his manner of speaking to be annoying.

He’s certainly stiff and not very charismatic. Very Canadian. lol.

EDIT: I like that he has almost no traction despite having cycled all over North and South America, Africa and now Europe. This video has 11 views so far. His lack of popularity endears him to me.

It’s too early to post a clip of American women.