
Neither do I.

Sounds like a Royal Flush.

In Spades at that.

Please return to Covid-19.

Make me.

nice story

lovely, this should be done in all countries!

Clowns should be outlawed.

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you have coulrophobia?

I just don’t find them amusing. Mimes either.

With self healing and self diagnosis, you become a bit useless. You can be made unnecessary. And your health as a healthcare worker is one of the sources of health problems. You did dump yourself off as health waste to gain mastery. And in order for you to help others they have to have a similar bodily health system as yours, meaning system failure over system function.

You don’t help people because you care, you help people because if you don’t you will be forced to breathe on your own.

I can you imagine you rolling over in your grave because somebody wrote corona virus as an epitaph and not covid-19.

He’s baaaaaaack. NUTJOB!

It is just another job no more important than any other job.

What is your job Silky?

Hey, I’m thankful to medical staff and perosnal doing their jobs. But I wouldn’t trust all of them. When this virus was first coming out, without it even being announced their was this silence and heavy sense of dread.
My father actuall went in for a health check up and he a young doctor (whom just happened to be chinese) became very impatient and overly demanding and wanted to order a lung biopsy sayign it was actually essential.

Thankfully my father did not go back, and he is fine and doing yardwork and cutting grass since then being exposed like everyone else.

Some people do not understand things about other, only about themselves and can do nothing but project themselves on others.

Do you want to pay me for advice to you as a senior veteran?

NO. I see your troubled mind every day.

If you ordered a milkshake and still have a straw sticking out of your chest , how do you diagnose others? How do you even care?

Some people are just a vortex or blackhole that suck in limitless energy, faculties, and resources at their jobs. Many people would prefer to be something else. It’s the few that just don’t care that prevent them from being so. Some consider being such a nonreturning drain their measure of worth or greatness and totality of being.
You don’t have to be a anything more than a milkshake to do this.

You are insane

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