


  1. uncomplicated and easy to do or understand.

interesting, i would never define it like that lol

here he goes… A fine illustration that he is not

ok? lol

or course not. your passive/aggressive method is to confuse and avoid

are you in the right forum?


lol ok what is your real question?

Are you straightforward in you answers.

as i said, depends who iam talking to

if i talk to kids i try to be nicer and more simple in my answers
if i talk to people that try to insult me and have done so in the past, i prefer entertaining myself

straightforward enough?

more than you have ever been.

lol excellent

since I have insulted you in the past I won’t be expecting a straight answer from you. It’s good to know where you stand.

you tried to on several occasions yes so its probably good to have that expectation
sometimes i forget or iam in a certain mood or for whatever reason, so dont be surprised if you get one of your straight answers now and then;)

I can assure you your passive/aggressive non-answers are insulting to me.

yes thats the fun about humans, no matter what you do or say or dont do or dont say there will always be people annoyed with you

perhaps you are just an annoying person. Just guessing

yes iam to many people and to myself at times lol

I can imagine