
Yes. He is very well spoken. I had no idea before this.

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I wonder if heā€™ll run for president at some point lol. Democrats would he foolish to choose someone from NY but that hasnā€™t stopped them before.

I would definitely vote for him. On another note, if you close your eyes you would swear itā€™s Al Pacino talking. lol

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Swine flu in 2009 resulted in 0.02% mortality. Lower than influenza. Our response to that was perfect actually. 20 Americans tested positive and it was declared a national emergency. I wonder if anyone called it the american flu. It seems to have started in USA. Anyways, despite it being called a national emergency, 61 million Americans got it. Thankfully barely 12000 here died.

Still listening to Cuomo. He actually has a plan. He tells the truth. Fox is not showing him.

Cuomo appears to be up against Trump on a quarantine of NY. Surprisingly, Trump wants the quarantine and Cuomo doesnā€™t. To me, you should choose your method of combating this virus and stick to it. If youā€™re going to let everyone catch it in hopes of herd immunity like the Netherlands is doing, do that. If youā€™re going to isolate and try to stop the spread, do that. Itā€™s clear the US isnā€™t going for herd immunity so it seems to me you might as well quarantine.

sounds like corona business risk management to me (avoid, reduce, transfer, accept)

today there is a new recommendation by our national health department: if after 24 hours!! (in belgium its 1 week and who recommends 2 weeks) corona patients dont show any more symptoms you should be fine: leave the hospital to make place for the next patient and spend a week in quarantine in your own house

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I hate to admit this but the Netherlands is a beacon of sanity in the world right now.

living in a highly populated but small country has its advantages and disadvantages; you shouldnt get sick again but if you do then a hospital is closeby and people know this

Sweden appears to be taking the same approach. Not as extreme as the Netherlands but the same idea. Herd immunity.

yes but big country with not so many inhabitants, the germans seem to do the best

I mean, letā€™s take a look at that last measure you quoted. Imagine if everyone did this. There would be NO SHORTAGE OF HOSPITAL BEDS IN THE WORLD. If your symptoms arenā€™t getting worse, go home and call us if they do get worse. Thereā€™s no treatment so if your life isnā€™t in danger, why are you taking up a hospital bed? It is stupid to keep you there and admire you. There is no bloody treatment.

average distance to a hospital in the netherlands is around 5km

I am irritated, now. Iā€™m going to go surf watches on Youtube.

well, most of the world probably thinks that 24 hours measure is insane and cruel, you can just pretend and agree with the majority;)

I know we are discharging positive patients. We just did after 48 hours. Not sure whatā€™s the norm, but this is hindering other medical issues. We usually have 350 beds full. Now we have 220 and who knows how many have a fever. The other 200 people that are supposed to be there donā€™t just come to play chess in their hospital bed.

I get that, Dan, and obviously in your situation the protocol could be different, but in those areas weā€™re seeing on the news where hospitals are overrun (in Italy and Spain, mostly, but Iā€™ve also seen news reports in France), surely this is a sensible move.

ā€¦and it is appreciated from my side that I am able to contribute something positive to bbad to combat Corona hysteria and vaxxing propaganda.
To show my appreciation, I just bough a Canadian product. Made, serial number put onto and packed by genuine Canadians, all white brothers I assume.
(the well articulate Ching-chang-chong in the video mentions Toronto, Canada @16:25)