
I have found some neat coins lately.

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These are beautiful. Where are they from?

where did I get them or what country are they from??

Both my parents passed last year (Mom Sept, Dad Oct 2023) since Dad was the ‘surviving’ spouse, everything passed to him, but with him passing, I became the estate executor.

These are some of the coins that was at their house. I believe they came from one of my dad’s aunts’ coin collection when she spent some time in Europe and Canada.

Note sure where the Nazi coin came from though.


I have heard countless times the need to do away with useless coins that cost more to produce than their face value. The article is something like 7000 words so you might not want to start reading if you don’t have an hour to waste.

This issue has come out before.

Musk has announced they will get rid of the penny it costs 179 million a year to produce.

How awful! We are going to save more money.

I just today read this post by MidKitten from last year with a Reichspfennig from the Nazi era. You can say what you want, back then a eagle still looked like an eagle instead of a fat hen, as can be seen hanging in the German Parliament. But that fat hen, which looks prepared ready to be put into the oven, is perfectly representing my country.

PS: Germans really have no taste in art. I can‘t think of any art I ever had the misfortune to look at a public building in Germany, which wasn’t ugly. In Germany our irresponsible politicians made it mandatory after the war, that for any public building project, between 1 and 2,5 % of the building costs has to be spent on art. I would like to know how much tax payers money was wasted on this, while at the same time we hear that it makes no sense to increase pensions for the generation of mothers who raised many children while staying at home to take care of the family (and like my mum, also worked on the farm - also without any pension claims) and thus receive no pension they can live on. They couldn‘t even pay the rent without welfare.

Federal Fat Hen hanging in the German Federal Parliament in the Berliner Reichstag.

PS: Regardless of that ugly eagle, the Reichstag is a great place to visit. You can go upstairs to the roof. Nice view. Thankfully, the Reichstag was built way before WWII and thus is a quite nice building. Modernized (thankfully) by a British and not German architect.

Even newly built public buildings, like this Museum in Regensburg, which contains things and infos about the Bavarian history, must have won the „Choose the Ugliest“ contest. If the motto was a different one, then I wouldn‘t want to know the other contestants work. Concrete over concrete. I admit on the short side to the street, there is a glas front, but this doesn’t save the building as a whole. Oh, and that golden sperm on that picture is the icing on top of it and allegedly „art“.


lol@golden sperm

yes some of your public buildings are quite ugly but i do like your older (what i call) hansel and gretel houses:


The buildings after 1945 suck mostly, especially the public ones. The old ones are generally pretty.

Well, according to the „artist“, that golden sperm allegedly is a sheatfish. Barely anyone recognizes it as such and so the natives of Regensburg call it sperm. So this poor fish gets pepped up often by maybe not artists with a certificate, who went to the obviously useless art university, but who at least mean it well with the fish and us pedestrians. This is the latest attempt to help the 200.000 € expensive fish at least to be recognizable as such. Cute even. Ridiculous that the media covering this help calls it „disfiguring“. They misunderstand facts as usual. :wink:

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What the are "meat’ coins?

Good the penny is going away.

Copper theft is a big issue.

Yes it has been. Same with catalytic converter theft saw another story on it on the tv news.

Pepped up? How does one pep up a disfigured fish face?