You really don’t read what I write, do you, Ben? Or perhaps you just don’t understand it.
I do not say God doesn’t exist. I am not one of the group you call “Nothing People”. I do not believe in Nothing. I do not believe creation began from Nothing. I do not believe there is Nothing after we die. I do not know, Ben. It is the only right answer. It is the only adult answer.
You believe in fairy tales. I do not. This does not mean I assert the fairy tale is untrue. Maybe Santa really is up there in the North Pole somewhere, and maybe Alice in Wonderland is out there in Neverland, and maybe Jesus Christ is up there in Heaven waiting to return to Earth someday. I have never seen any credible evidence of any of them existing, but that doesn’t mean they don’t. Not believing they exist is not the same as believing they don’t exist.
It takes intellectual honesty and internal courage to say, “I don’t know, and I will probably never know, at least not until I die.” It is a courage and honesty most Christians lack. You lack it. Michele lacks it. My mother lacks it. I get that. Not knowing is not a safe place to be.
It is easier to believe that everything is going to be ok as long as I believe in this comforting fairy tale. It’s nice to think that Santa is going to come down the chimney with presents. But no, I don’t know if everything is going to be ok, and I don’t know if I’m going to get anything for Christmas next year. Saying “I don’t know” is unsettling, but it is the only honest answer, and I have the courage to face that.