
i suspect it has something to do with people using plastic straws…

The continental breakfast is served at 7 am, so I won’t get it.

I was sick last Dec, but managed to rep out some 70 pound single arm back rows. I did hammer curls with 50s and some chest press with the same… chest press not dumbbell bench press if you know the difference
Other hotel had a messed up universal machine but the 2 cables only machine i got an awesome time under tension workout.
Time under tension what’s with this word processor?

He, in a Divine manner, walked on water.

What do you think he should do?

I have faith and there is some historical records and some archeology related to the Bible. The Bible says many of the initial believers will fall away and that most of humanity will reject the message. Just saw on the news out of Windsor Ont a man was killed outside a homeless shelter on New Years Day by gunfire. There have been 2 arrests are any of these ppl born in Canada or is this another immigrant problem. Immigration in record numbers has been very bad for Canada and only in the last 2 years have the MSM cheerleaders of this allowed dissenting voices airtime. I have been posting against the bad immigration policy for years on Google Groups. Trudeau PM Blackface the racist has admitted bad actors and fake colleges gamed the system but he did not name them and they were not prosecuted by the authorities. Cut immigration to 50k a year we can always increase it again if we feel it necessary.

Is this a civil war reference between North Holland and South Holland? It’s easy to tell you are from Holland specifically not just Netherlands. You preferred to call it Holland. Does that make you hollander or Hollandaise?

With the term “Dutch” being actually a demonym do you refer to Friesland as Heaven or McDonald’s?

Dutch includes provinces and “darks” as you call then?

Have you tried fries with hollandaise or “dutch sauce”?


am not a fan of anything with donald in it :wink:


i prefer hot and spicy peanut sauce

You keep seeing Reggie type “not good”. What does that mean when he says it? That he knows what he is talking about?
Proverbs 19:2
Desire without knowledge is not good—
how much more will hasty feet miss the way!

This guy will always miss the mark aka sin. He does this always to declare he is concerned for health and is protective of his health and has to distance from you due to those reasons.

That is a sickening untruth. He doesn’t know what any experience especially tasting is truly like. Also wouldn’t you be interested in what a person is eating who is getting it “functioning” where you are failing instead of being devious?

You all have seen the narcissist personality disorder. You know about the waste gate that opens with his mouth and what he seeks to jettison towards you. One thing will enter and exit his temple and that is his own “bread”. Call it nothing else not even s… It’s the bread of the dead. He can’t get a tasting experience or give nutrition and tries to constantly enrich this bread for his selfishness.

You will suffer coughing and gagging in a repulsive measure if you accept his truth.

What to look for now is the workings of the mind of an egocentric.

A person who will do things not for the sake of doing them but for the appearance

Ask him why did he feel the unction to put money in some homeless hands. Offer the explanation that is what a kindhearted and not selfish nor greedy or arrogant person would do. He did it because deep down inside that is what he is.
He will agree with you. Only because it serves his purpose and his mind. That is an egocentric.

Reject his bread reject his bread
Go ahead go ahead
Don’t call it …
Call it bread
It’s the bread of the dead

May I critique your speech? One reason I have a difficult time with your posts is because you’re vague. Let me show you.

Your first sentence says:
You keep seeing Reggie type “not good”. What does that mean when he says it?
What does it mean when he says “not good” ?

With the exception of knowing what he’s talking about concerning God and spiritual matters, Reg knows what he’s talking about. What I mean is, even without knowing what kind of college degree he has, it is clear he is educated.

What is his sin?

Then there’s a bunch of rambling that leads to “bread”.

I find myself coughing and gagging on your words.

Honestly, I think that’s some kind of poetry but idk

Okay, I googled and learned that’s actually a thing in Mexico. I’m not sure I would eat bread in honor of the dead but good read.

I don’t understand why Reggie doesn’t seek peace by simply changing his name to Muhammad or Mohammed or some alternate spelling. Your views on Christianity are clear just as your issues as a man.

You clearly do not accept scripture as AgeofGrace stated into be God’s way of reaching out to you but simply for argument and contention. How many times did you just stupidly go back and forth about women’s shed coverings bit never go further or acknowledge in later verse the specification if contentions exist?

I’m sure Islam wouldn’t accept you as readily and willingly just as they would their prophet. They wouldn’t understand you and why you would seek Islam and possibly credit for your work against Christianity.

You are Muhammad incarnate basically here.

You are a very smart man with controlled thoughts at peace with himself, unapologetic for his passion and strength.

Leave Christianity, you have done your work.

I’ve heard Mohammed was illiterate. I’ve also heard God told him everything. How did it get translated if he was illiterate.

Bread from his mouth to yours.

What country do you think they’ll pick the next pope from?

They’ve been talking about an African Pope for my whole lifetime.

I doubt they’re ready yet, though.

Uhhh Reg is clear he is not a religious man but he was a former attendee of Broadmoor Baptist Church in Richmond so hopefully JESUS will come into his life and make him a zealot like Peter was. I like getting my daily email Bible verse.

Glad the possible anti Christ Trump did not swear on the Bible at his inauguration that is called a heads up. Just like when he held the Bible upside down at a presser before going to the church opposite the White House for the first time several years into his term.
