
Didn’t take long for the Chilenos to fall out of love with Boric.

I suppose this is unsurprising but it’s disappointing. I wonder if they have LGBTQ rights in it. I’ll have to look it up someday.

Listen at 1:50 where the list of nations ends with clearly Latino voices yelling “TE QUIERO LIBRE PALESTINA”.

More Latinos for Palestine, this time from Mexico but whatever, I don’t want to spread the post over multiple topics.

Ferni loved this guy’s cologne.

All this work, probably for nothing.

And it’s over. Three years of work for nothing.

Three years later, they’re back on the streets but with no force this time. The old government is gone. The new guy is in and already everyone hates him. They had a huge constitutional congress and nothing came of it. Well, a ridiculous constitutional proposal came out of it but that was rejected soundly by voters who had more sense than the congress had. They’re not on a good path.

No wonder. They work for nothing. They lack proper education and apparently there is no real treatment for the sick. Their president tossed up a neoliberal word salad of socio-economic inequality, sugar coated it with gender equality and climate change and then served it to them cold, hoping no one would notice. I wonder how the air quality is there. :face_in_clouds:

Chile could stand improvement on health and education but so could Oklahoma. And so could Vancouver. Their air quality is moderate. Not third world but not really good, about the same as OKC.

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Chilenos got game.

Chile has more problems. This one is small thankfully.

At least inflation is under control in Chile.

Boric seems like an idiot but this is an interesting move.

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Chile is voting again on a constitution, and is again likely to reject it.

And sure enough, they rejected it.

Chile is on fire again.