
If the news isn’t going to carry the story, I have no idea :man_shrugging: f it’s really true but it certainly is disturbing.

She justifies smoking. She should be put down for the greater good along with the smokers.

Justifies smoking? She reported that there are armed migrants at the border.

Start at 13:40. She should probably be put to death for excusing smoking. Along with the smokers.

This conversation is going in two different directions.

I don’t think she was excusing anything. I thought she was just letting that audience know everyone is guilty of something. That shouldn’t get in the way of having a prayerful relationship with Yeshua Messiah. What I mean is, nothing is unlawful but not everything is profitable. Everything in moderation lest it become your idol.

Direct quote:

If somebody is having trouble because they’re a smoker, let me tell you something. You need to get over that. You need to get over that self condemnation and that shame and that self hate, and I bind that in Jesus’ name.

I say if someone is having trouble because they’re a smoker, they should quit. And if they don’t, they should feel self condemnation, shame and self hate. And I bind that in common sense. And the sense of smell. God, smokers are disgusting.

Honestly, Reg, I don’t know why we are having this conversation. This isn’t important to me. It doesn’t pertain to me and I didn’t pay much attention to it after the first 4 minutes. Not that she wasn’t doing a good thing with her prayer blog or whatever she has going there. The focus here isn’t or should not be smokers. Why do you even care about that and not about an invasion, probably funded by Soros.

I don’t care. It is important to me.

You rarely actually look at the things you post.

It is my focus. I don’t care if it’s not your focus. You posted this in public and I commented on it.

Smokers are nasty.

There’s an invasion taking place and you’re worried a woman’s prayer is going to encourage smoking?

I highly encourage you to look at your own posts. That video was sent to me with instruction to listen to the first 4 minutes. That’s what I did. If you want to debate smoking we can do that but at the very least you could show some concern for what’s coming this way.
I don’t know why you care about that unless it’s because you’re still mad at your dad and just can’t let go of the bitterness.

Oh. Ooops. :woozy_face:


happens every year
the caravan
and lately the threats

You’re angry because your dad didn’t quit smoking to save himself but you call me gross. :roll_eyes:

They don’t usually cross over with loaded weapons.

Um, I don’t know where you got that but it doesn’t happen to be true. I was not close to my father and he died 40 years ago. I rarely think of him at all. Smoking is disgusting no matter who does it.

Sorry, but why are you calling me gross?

I didn’t call you gross. I called smoking gross.

Yes, it is vile because it’s chemical poison. Marijuana is nothing like cigarettes.
I’ve been smoking marijuana since I was about 16. I’ve not been to the doctor over my back since 2015. I have no plan to quit or apologize to society for blowing my smoke into shared air space.

That’s fair. My quarrel is with tobacco smokers.

I know and your targets are always wrong, unless your quarrel is with eaters and the vaccinated also.

For Halloween, I think I’ll be a nasty chemical that doesn’t go in the body.

You all can be bite size chemical laced twixess.