Black Lives Matter

I don’t know. I know that I should report it but I am an imperfect person and this is the best relationship I have ever had in my life by far. The idea of going into my 60s alone is not pleasant to me.

how about a terrorist attack that would kill hundreds?

You want to know just how imperfect I am? A lot would depend on whether I thought I could get away with the cover-up. lol.

how about a terrorist attack that would kill millions?

lol yes, its interesting where people draw the line and most of all why

how “precious” love can be

Life is not sacred to me. Aside from my own, that is. My life is sacred to me, but I don’t expect it to be sacred to anyone else.

I believe in doing math with lives and deciding which ones to spare. We let 1.35 million people die a year in car crashes and we don’t lower the speed limit. I agree with that. The convenience of driving a bit faster is worth those 1.35 million lives to me.

Who are those million lives my woman takes somehow? Were they worth a damn? Were they worth me growing old alone?

I won’t dodge, though. If I had a 100% chance of getting away with the cover up, I am probably weak enough to not report it after it had happened. The victims are already dead in that case. Throwing her in prison won’t help them. If I could report it BEFORE it happened to prevent it, I probably would.

lol a while ago you said people should study murderers and try to understand why people kill… i told you that you should study yourself… perhaps now you can understand;)

No, that doesn’t follow. I have no desire to kill anyone and studying me won’t help matters. We need to study murderers to look for patterns and clues as to what may cause them to lack the moral compass that most of us have. We need to know what motivates them at the chemical/genetic level. Once we do have some ideas about what could cause their mental illness, we should try introducing interventions (gene therapy, chemical therapy, etc.) to see if we can reduce the incidence of that crime. I also don’t care if we have to dissect a few of them to gain this knowledge.

you wouldnt have a desire to kill to save your wife or to cover up a crime she committed?

That’s a different hypothetical. I have no desire to kill anyone. I might kill someone to protect my wife but I have no desire to do that and would do everything I considered reasonable to avoid that necessity.

I already answered about covering up the crime. If I had a 100% chance of success, I probably would. Since one never has a 100% chance of success in the real world, I don’t know what I’d do.

i think its the same hypothetical, you have that desire in order to protect your wife, that is your motivation and your lack of moral compass, it is in your genes, your mental illness…

i dont think dissecting you or therapy will help though lol

The two nutcase lawyers with guns appear to be in some trouble. I don’t care if they get canceled.

What the actual hell? This guy was getting into his car.

It takes someone with a real self-asserting moral compass to exhibit that kind of bravery.

People watch the video and within seconds conclude it was police brutality – without knowing any of the facts. That is because these anarchists don’t care about the truth. Blake had a history violence and arrests. He resisted arrest and had cops pointing guns at him but he was willing to jeopardize his children by bringing this dangerous situation to his kids? Why was he reaching into his car? Did he have a weapon or was going to try to get away at high speed with kids in the car? What makes him think he can disobey a lawful order and put the cops lives at risk? A lot to know about this situation before coming to a factual conclusion but that doesn’t stop the idiots using such an event to scream racism and start their rioting and looting…

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I try not to respond to you because, well, I think you’re an imbecile. This idiocy is impossible to ignore, though. The man was walking into his car and got shot 7 times in the back. By the argument that one needs to ask why he was reaching into his car, every time someone reaches into their pockets, police should be allowed to shoot them seven times. If someone does not obey police orders, police do not have the right to shoot them 7 times. Or even once. However bad a man he was, he wasn’t doing anything at that moment which justified the police reaction. He did not deserve to die. And you’re an imbecile for not seeing that. Back to ignoring you I go.

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Did you listen to that three hour video, Michele? I didn’t. I just also doubt you did before posting.

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it seems to be Audio only. Saved for bike rides as it sounds promising.

Do you really think there’s much wisdom to be found from a playwright turned conspiracy theorist who died 50 years ago? Go nuts, though. I’m not discouraging you.