

The Bible also mentions joy over and over it mentions that it is okay to dance once in a while.

Great song. This album Eliminator had 6 top 40 hits I own it had it autographed by Dusty Hill the bass player who I met at the Forum Inn after a ZZ Top concert in Edmonton for the Afterburner tour. He sat right next to me at the bar.

I was surprised when a female relative of mine who self described as a Christian whose best friends were JW’s expressed grief when Hef died.

I was quite happy. Pathetic loser of a man.

Rich pornographer who lived long enough to benefit from viagra. The guy had his daughter naked in his magazine though she later became Pres. of Playboy Enterprises and inherited it. His Playboy At Night tv show had some good bands. His Playboy orgy pic with 100 naked females is on a family video as my cousin Diana now dead unfortunately was filmed with three other women looking at it saw the video at her parents place don’t know if that is the same occ. her Dad my Uncle Bev told me he did not approve of how my Dad was raising me I was like 6.

He contributed significantly to the degradation of western civilization. He is not solely responsible for the fact that girls today are sluts and boys today are wankers, but he played a part in that. If there is a Hell, which I doubt, I hope he’s in it.

Really? When? At funerals?

That’s huge! You must have been in awe sitting next to someone of such high status in the world. ZzTop had a lot of great songs. Which one are you talking about?

Why surprised? Is there something wrong with Christian’s expressing grief?

Some say he was affiliated with the CIA and that tunnels were built underground for trafficking.

Barbaric thinking. No one deserves Hell save those who actually want to go there.

I like all the ZZ Top hits even like Burger Man which did not chart. I went to the bar after the concert because a guy I used to work with was now working there it was his night off though . After I met Dusty I told him I wanted to walk home and come back with an album for him to sign he was cool with that. I came back he was gone the sax player from the Deguello album I think it was told me he had gone upstairs with a woman to get a blowjob but that he for sure would be back Dusty came back into the bar with the well endowed White woman the crowd cheered she wandered off Dusty sat next to me signed my album a cpl times and my ticket he was great to hang with. My brother was impressed I met him.

Congratulations! It’s probably worth little to nothing now but if you framed it for 5 or 10 years you Wil probably get a lot more out of it than you can even imagine.

I doubt it. ZZ Top has been forgotten.

Idk, Reg. A certified band-autographed ZZTop album goes for $2000 right now. Dusty Hills autograph should be worth 4 or $500 and framed may bring more than that.

Oh, sure, if you’re talking $500 or even $2000, I can see that. That’s not more than I can imagine. lol.

Well if someone can get an autographed album of the whole band for 2000, why would they pay that price for one member? I just think that’s a little excessive. If it was really well framed it might bring a little more.

Gross. He’s probably Dutch.

Weirdo! I wonder what aroused him most. Sec with the animals or distributing obscene images to minors. I also wonder what the reason was for feeding birds to the Shephard’s. Maybe he planned to feed their testicles to the bull.

Weird is not the word evil criminal sex deviant who hates animals is more correct hope he dies in prison.

He should be shamed into oblivion.

He’s Dutch. Calling him a weirdo is redundant.

If you take an animal, slit its throat, rip the skin from its dead body, burn the dead body, and then eat it like Jeffrey Dahmer, people call it “dinner” and they don’t care at all.

If you have sex with the animal and then let it go on its way, everyone freaks out.

Just saying.

there’s nothing dutch about the name “hirschbein”; its jewish/german:

“Hirsch means “deer” or “stag” in Yiddish. It is the root of many Ashkenazic last names including Hirschfeld, Hirschbein/Hershkowitz (son of Hirsch)/Hertz/Herzl, Cerf, Hart, and Hartman. It is the **Yiddish translation of the Hebrew word for gazelle”

bein means leg in german