An idea to help street dogs in Romania

If anyone here is looking for an opportunity to do something useful, what about supporting this nonprofit organization, which helps saving and castrating romanian streetdogs. I am a member of this organisation. No Cent will be used other than for helping those dogs. We even founded our own animal shelter in Faget, Romania. Become a member or donate food or money. Or help in Faget to help building the shelter. Check our website:

Here are some fotos from the recent visit from some members in Faget (all travel expenses are paid by the drivers themselves). You see, 100% of the donated money get’s to the dogs incl. castration projects. Even the often very poor romanian helpers don’t do it for money. But each Christmas season most of our members donate a Christmas package with durable food, sometimes needed warm shoes or toys for their kids.

If you have questions, I am glad to help. You also can contact the organization by phone and Email.

do you test the dogs to make sure they share european ideals?
or is that just immigrants?
hitler loved him some dogs, too

i think i will sell pig broth
america needs that

I made the experience, that some animals seem to actively seek contact with humans in order to get help. Early this year some people ringed at my house, because a cat no one has seen before, was approaching people for quite some hours and meowed. So I took her and via her chip I found her owners. They told me of her old age and that she probably developed dementia and didn’t find home anymore, as this never happened before. Or yesterday, a dove with a deep wound from a prey attack, waited in front of a door. Probably she got feeded by people and therefor she thought, humans my also can offer more than just food.

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lieber du gott in himmel
spatzle und hamburger ein zwei
mach schnell

I just read this in my WhatsApp group. I am not surprised.

PS: This message was from a Romanian voluntary helper, btw., not from any German. We communicate in English. That’s why the original message was in English which got translated into German, as the message receiver isn‘t very good in English (she is nearly 70).

Some countries don’t get it. I do not like the way the Mexicans treat dogs. One of the things I love about Colombia is how they treat dogs. The entire village looks after dogs in Colombia. If they need a vet, some respected community member will go around taking a collection and the animal will get care. The dogs are almost never hungry and they get more communal love than most house dogs in some other countries.

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They must not cage their animals.

This video was posted today on our organizations facebook account. Some irresponsible idiot kicked out unwanted puppies to let them die. They got saved of course as this Romanian knew our animal shelter.

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But the dog boots and some dry food and give them out next time you visit. I had that exact same b&w Hawaiian shirt 20 years ago.

It’s so nerve wrecking. I really don’t know how Renate Gantner and the ones who get the emergency calls, have the energy and strength to keep on helping. For my own health I barely read our organizations facebook site, because I can’t deal with so many terrible news and pictures of suffering. But I did just now and the only good thing is, that this good hearted Romanian woman, who did make that call, heard of our organizations animal shelter despite it’s 70 km away from where she lives. We make some difference, and be it also small. But each helpless Romanian with empathy for also animals learns, they aren’t alone and that - if somehow possible - we save those poor souls. I hope someone from our shelter is faster than the alarmed dog catchers. It’s so bloody far away from where I live.


One of our romanian helper found this young dog hit by a car. He was barely but still alive. We hope she found him right in time. My Gracie was found in a ditch beside a road. I don’t want to know how many more don’t have the luck of a human with a heart passing along and stops.

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Hope it heals.


I just saw this update on the organizations FB website. It‘s a she and they gave her the name Hope. She probably will get well again. Adriana took her home to her own house to take care of her broken leg(s).

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She reminds me a bit on Gracie. Similar looks.

Our shelter is full. We can‘t put more dogs in. Some poor helper from Germany, who volunteered and flew down to our shelter, unfortunately was already confronted with the most sad truth for anyone with a big heart. That you are there and face right in front of you helpless and from hunger suffering animals (a mama dog ate plastic out of hunger), and get the order from Renate, to let the dog and her puppies were they are. We are full and also our financial and personal capacities are overstrained. It’s one thing to write about this, but it’s a whole other level to be the one having to turn your back to those creatures. The world is an ugly place for the weakest.


Nothing like a reality check.

The world is an ugly place, period. Even those desperate dogs can only survive by taking the lives of other living creatures. Horrible, ugly design.

Unfortunately that‘s true. Isn‘t any comfort, though.

There is very little comfort in this world. Just temporary breaks in the suffering for most.

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