
Africa deserves its own topic.

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I know Chad has problems read news stories on it. China the dictatorship has spent 50 billion dollars on the Silk Road initiative foreign aid in Africa. Here in Canada the commitee headed by the former Premier of Ont. Dalton McQuinty says some CDN MP’s have taken money from foreign govts like China or given them secrets. The govt won’t name them. The Conservatives and NDP want them named. The RCMP says some of the details they only know from the media. Name them!!! Trudeau’s China policy has been abhorrent. These ppl need to be exposed and criminally charged where appropriate.

Everyone agrees with naming them, but we have to change the law first. Current privacy law makes it illegal to name them, and the members of the committee investigating had to waive parliamentary privilege so they could be prosecuted if they name them.

Our privacy law is too strong in such cases. I want them named and kicked out of caucus.

What’s the point in exposing them? Nothing happens. Joe Biden and his son Hunter have been exposed. Nothing has happened there, nor will it.

Hunter is on trial for his crime and Biden is not doing well in the polls. Neither has been accused by a govt committee of working for a foreign government or taking money from a foreign govt. Name the MP’s who the HOC committee said took money from a foreign govt and turn all the info collected to the RCMP.

Elizabeth May said the matter is overblown. Jagmeet Singh says they are guilty of treason says there are many Tories involved but refused to give a number condemned the Tory leader for not condemning but is well aware the Tory leader is not allowed to read the report as he does not have the security clearance nor has he applied for one. The number of MP’s from each party should be public the commission head said some took money knowingly from foreign govts and others did unknowingly. Did some refuse just like Tom Mulcair did the Mafia or that Senator from Arizona in Adscam. I like the new Tory attack ad and even the provincial NDP one that reminds ppl John Rustad was part of the old ruling Liberal provincial govt LOL even looks like it was made by the same ad team.

These are things we will never have the privilege of evaluating as long as the so called Justice Department continues to intervene.

Refuse? Sorry…sometimes it’s difficult to understand the point you are making. Im not familiar with Tom Mulcair or Adscam. Possibly because these are events from times past that I didn’t pay attention to back then or the fact that there are no breaks between your words in places where there should be. Either way, I’m a little confused here lol nothing out of the ordinary.

Tom Mulcair who became the leader of the NDP and is now a media pundit was given a envelope stuffed with cash pushed across the table to him by a Quebec labour boss who was a Mafia guy without opening it or comment. Mulcair kept silent but when the criminal was charged on another matter came forward. It was front page news. In Abscam various politicians took bribes from FBI agents pretending to be Arabs. McCain told them no and told them in America you give money to charities and the like to curry favour but he did not report the bribe attempt.

Hunter no surprise was found guilty and no surprise Trump was found guilty of 34 E felonies.

Neither will be held accountable but for different reasons.

Unethical!! Sounds like one those mafia men who do all their business in a bath robe. He could have been a male order bride for all I knew about him.