You fucking nazi cunt!

good morning gunda

Gunda is many things, Bill, most of which I do not admire, but she is not a Nazi.

That was harsh, Reg. She’s not a fucking cunt either.

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I thought it was an honest measured response.

I thought it was a cheap shot.

We rarely agree.

True but at least we understand each other.

I hope so.

It was not a cheap shot. He has called her a Nazi several times recently. I do not think she is one so I commented. The other insults are just vulgar and childish.

I think Lowerre finds pissing people off to be amusing.

Did the adult in you tell you to restore the vulgarity?

What’s this? I do not understand.

Nor do I.

In the title.

You mean because I didn’t censor Bill’s profanity? I never censor profanity here. I see in the history that Bill did edit a non-profane post title to make it profane. Is that what you’re talking about?

Are you troubled by the word cunt Michele?

I think most women dislike that word.

Michele, if you ever wonder who edited a post, just click the orange edit count. You will see it wasn’t me. I don’t tend to use those words anyway, as you surely know by now.


Yes it was.

Not as much as you would probably like.

What’s worse? Being called a nazi or the c word? Probably a nazi.