US Gun Violence and Motive

I admit, they could be doing that. It is only a handful of self proclaimed conservatives compared to the liberals going before the firing squad.

In Spygate alone, there are no less than 50 people directly involved and soon to be bound over for trial not to mention how it’s all going to tie in with the pedophilia cases. Did you know yesterday a man filed to have his name redacted from the Epstein list? I’m guessing he must be very well known.

Don’t forget you are against countries who don’t support climate control. Another scheme to brainwash the masses into believing the earth is going to burn if we don’t participate in a climate accord. That’s silly. Every country does their own thing to reduce our footprint. So why do we all need to sign an agreement? If we know everyone will be eating and drinking as in the days of Noah, how is it the earth is going to burn up? It’s not!!! It’s the Left exaggerating the truth about the climate. Like fracking. In 30 years fracking won’t cause the temperature to go up more than seven hundredths of a degree. And if you notice, most all countries are doing or attempting to do their part in clean energy so who knows what advances will have been made by 2050.
I wish you would come back and tell me again what you are against. Surely there is more.

Your paranoia runs deep.

Paranoia? I’m not paranoid, Will. Not about anything. Do you mean to tell me the things I’ve said here are not true?

I am for more things than I am against. Here are a few.

  • I am for universal single-payer health care with zero up-front cost to the patient.
  • I am for a taxation system that is similar to that advocated by your president Roosevelt.
  • I am for fewer borders and more freedom of movement.
  • I am for increased, often onerous legislation to force a clean environment on everyone. If this means people can’t get plastic drinking straws at McDonalds, I really do not care at all.
  • I am for universal free education, again paid for by taxing the rich much more heavily than they are currently taxed.
  • I am for an end to all forms of corporate welfare.
  • I am for a $100 maximum limit on political contributions, and for banning all corporate contributions. I am for the banning of all political action committees and lobbyists.
  • I am for ending copyright and patent law as we know it.
  • I am for legislated maximums on what corporations can charge for essential services and products. I am in a country where a pen of insulin (Apidra, for example) costs $6 USD. That same pen made in the same factory and with the same Apidra name on it costs $100 in the US. I need 2 of those pens a month to survive. Many people need 10 or more pens a month. This is obscene.
  • I am for an end to most knife carry laws. We don’t have a problem with mass stabbings. Let people carry knives if they want.
  • I would make marital infidelity illegal, although I’d probably only punish it with a fine. Maybe one night in jail. Per incident.

That’s just off the top of my head. There’s much more but it’ll do for now.

About insulin. That is an issue with big pharmaceutical companies. Trump is fighting that in one way by turning to our neighbor and ally to the north. But you are against him. (Trump)

You’ve never even been legally married nor do you even believe in the sanctity of marriage and you are going to judge infidelity? You’re a hypocrite, Reg.

Sigh* You also contradicted yourself, again.

Have another koolaid. Trump is doing NOTHING to help on this front. He could easily mandate the price of insulin, as Canada and every other sane nation does. He hasn’t. He’s just let people go to Canada to buy a product that should be the same price in the US.

Do not speak of things you know nothing about. Then again, that would significantly reduce your participation here.


This is always a great cause but how can you rebuke and judge my country for doing the same thing your country’s do. Even you yourself do. Or have you traded in that car for a horse? And do you plan to take a sail back to Canada?

It’s not like the price of insulin went up in 2016. Why didn’t Obama get the price reduced?

I can reduce my own participation here.

My country has signed the Paris climate accord and has implemented thousands of laws against pollution. You can’t even buy old school light bulbs legally in Canada. All provinces have subsidies on electric cars and penalties on gas ones. And so on. Again, you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Obama got health care passed and then faced an obstructionist Republican house and senate who refused to do anything good.

Your call. Still, you have no business telling me about my marital state and beliefs when you know nothing about either.

I’m a bit surprised the blue states are older.

Not surprised Florida is in top five for oldies, nor that Utah in the youngest group considering they multiply like rabbits to keep their odd religion alive. Interesting that the top 3 for oldies are the 3 most northern states.

I see Oklahoma is 21. Florida is 15

I’m a little surprised California did that well. They are probably lax on drug use which is probably a good thing for non dangerous drugs.

Gotta hand this one to the gun lobby. Here’s a case where the armed congregation clearly saved a bunch of lives.

If only you could be that brave.

It’s a pity I can’t get in favorites videos, Reg. I had a sweet song for you.

I suppose gun violence is the best you can do for me here.

Here’s a second win in a week for the gun lobby. It’s not clear at all to me whether I’d buy a gun if I lived in the US. I am happy there are almost no handguns here in Canada but if I lived in the US where everyone has them, I might decide it’s better to have one. I don’t know.

Especially Florida. Especially orlando/miami