Prescription Drugs


mitch and nancy just worked out a compromise
they agreed to study penicillin
i got an article you can click on
it’s right here

I’m allergic to penicillin. Perhaps you could dangle, honey, turmeric and ginger.

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Mushrooms seem to have some positive medicinal effects on some people.

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In the US, the plan is simple. Eat the food, show signs of an inflammatory disease, become lethargic, gain weight, seek treatment, follow doctors orders, buy the prescribed medicine that will bankrupt you and then die a horrible death. Welcome to America!

Oh don’t be silly. Ozempic is great. For those of us with diabetes, this is a good time to be alive. Not as good as after they cure it, but better than before.

Reg, the rest of the world is not wealthy like you. They have made that drug unaffordable and people are being forced to search for alternatives that may or may not always work. I never would have thought you supported price gouging. This is worse than price gouging. It’s price gouging on steroids and offensive.

I am 100% in favour of dropping the price of Ozempic forcibly. I’m just not in favour of you typing a bunch of crap about how it’s bad for people.

No, you’re not in favor of me posting the truth about products that are bad for you. That drug has phenol in it.
Phenol is a MUTAGEN . Mutagens may have a cancer risk. All contact with this chemical should be reduced to the lowest possible level.