
Probably. I’m praying for rain. How are you contributing?

That was great fun!

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This was goofy but I had to post it because someone commented it looked like Oklahoma.

Making A Connection

I’m going to get in trouble for posting this one in mixed company. You girls just play dumb like you didn’t see anything.

ah here you are, covering yourself in tiktok clips instead of bantering in the trump thread… interesting choice;)

I don’t even know what tiktok is and don’t care enough to find out. I assume it is another YouTube.

it just amuses me that she prefers to support a chinese site instead of talking about trump

She also likes the Epoch Times, a Chinese fake news site.

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maybe she is desiring and trying to become more left/communistic…

Girls? You’re the biggest drama queen here.

i object and surely reg can supply me with the badge to prove you wrong!

Lol. The bbad badge of drama.



lol yay!


That badge was meant for me then. There’s only one though. The rest of you rockers will have to make your own.

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I’ve always loved fun education and entertainment. TikTok provides both.