
I really, really like her and her „German boyfriend“. Very sympathisch. :laughing: :rofl:

She at the end: „Aber ich kann deutsch sprechen!“

perhaps you can convince your political party to make an exception and not kick her out of germany…

I don‘t need to convince them.

This made me laugh, and I am no fan of Royals from whichever country. Same applies to politicians btw. They usually are the worst of society. Anyway, I love Shakespeares Hamlet. This clip reminded me working as a teen till up into my early twenties, at the weekends at a gambling shop (beside my fulltime job). Out of boredom I read Hamlet behind the bar and once even loud to some Arab customers as they asked what I am reading. They looked at me like if I was from a different planet, rofl. One of them (he was a Saudi) got later sacked by the police for some car theft and the other one from the Lebanon protected me from some Albanian “refugee”, who tjat Arab at least claimed had prostitutes working for him and wouldn’t mind to put a knife into my back if I won’t be careful. He was the most adjusted and even was able in speaking the Bavarian of my region. I trusted him at least in saying the truth about that albanian thug, with whom I nearly got into a physical fight at an evening, when that Lebanese was thankfully there as well. Oh well. But these memories come up every time I hear about Hamlet.

And Charlie nailed it, lol. I just wonder why Dame Judi Dench also was on the stage with all these other famous Hamlet actors. Did she play that character as well? Need to google that. But now my pets want to be feeded.

Awwww. I feel the need to hug her for the first two, and burst out into laughter when the third comes up. :laughing: :rofl: But she chose to make it even harder for her than it actually is, as instead of trying the indeed very difficult diminutive Form because of having to say 3x „ch“ and with an Umlaut in Streichholzschächtelchen, she could have just used the normal word with just 2x „ch“ and without Umlaut in Streichholzschachtel. Or her german boyfriend was a bit mean (which I doubt), lol.

I really didn‘t expect her „solution“, but I like it. :joy:

PS: The haircut looks fine to me.


Shew-eee!! Oink* lol


Ricky Gervais on Trump and a Christian fundamentalists tweet. :rofl:

I have seen quite a few videos of Gervais on the Colbert Show. Despite both have different opinions on faith and on Tolkien, they get along so well. I enjoy both as I like both.

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To me, The Graham Norton Show is the best interview show I know of. Just talking. No additions by a band or employees, just Norton and his guests. He has the talent to let all of them relax and I guess that‘s why they talk so freely and enjoy being on his show. It doesn‘t only appear at least to be a promotion.

And I would have loved to see Kenneth Brannagh in his best days in any Shakesspeare Play. Hell, I would even today love to take one year off and visit as many Shakespeare plays in GB if I would have the money, lol.

This is hilarious. I laughed so hard about his school travel experience to Paris (starts at 04:50) when he was a teacher in his early twenties and the following story about why he gave up on romantic. I would like to hear her version of that story, lol.

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The very last story, lol. Oh my. :see_no_evil:

But now I need to go for the first dog walk. And to feed the birds. It snowed over night for the first time and it‘s cold enough for it to stay. So I need to wipe the feeder placed on the ground free from the snow.

I honestly don’t know how you can listen to those irritating Brits. They could recite the periodic table of elements and I’d find them pompous and jarring. There are no accents more grating to my ears than the various British accents.

Oh, this is only about humour. Their accent is no killer to that. If I want to listen to a beautiful and sexy English accent I Google for Sting, Ellis and Cumberbatch for example.

They all sound like someone scratching their fingernails on a chalkboard to me, but to each their own.

Yup, tastes are different. To me that chalkboard effect is caused by Arabic as well as Russian and all Eastern European languages including their accents when talking English. I also can‘t listen to Germans when speaking English.

That was comedy gold. It was amusing that he allowed himself to get caught in a compromising situation. Grandpa turned the teacher into a student of life lessons.

Because their life stories are entertaining?