If you have a true sword, you would seek out a fine scabbard. Not a pile of feces somebody is dripping pancake mix over without heat or sugar and paint.

Having no scabbard to be sheathed it doesn’t detract any from the sword standing by itself.

crazy talk. Did your mommy drop you on your head Silky?

I’m not sure if this is some strange penis/vagina symbolism but either way, the sex act is overhyped and secondary, especially as you age. What is important is the trust relationship one has with another person. It is a totally unnatural state for a man to be without a woman or for a woman to be without a man. That modern society encourages this is testament to how degraded we have become. That it is controversial to say this is testament to how ridiculous.

What do you do when a madman is loose? Humor him? Debate him? You can’t ignore him. He pushes his madness on you. He posts ridiculous attacks that cannot be responded to without scorn. Does he have no one he believes to tell him how crazy he sounds? I feel sorry for his family. He must be a great embarrassment them. I have been sick of his bullshit for a long time.

Speaking for myself, I pick and choose each time. You say you can’t ignore him but I do a lot of the time. This whole thread started as an attack on my use of cialis as I age so I have no sympathy for his complaining about whatever Michele may have said about his virginity (I didn’t bother looking up what she said as I don’t care).

he will die a virgin.

I agree with you, Mark. This kind of man-made boner pill should be prohibited in favor of higher wages, better positions and enjoying basic needs. Let us know how to acquire those things without this little blue pill.

That is just not true. I have never suggested any such thing.

Omg, you watch child porn? You are one sick, twisted :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

That is untrue and misleading and you should delete that.

Back on topic I am not saying viagra and cialis do not actually work, I believe these two drugs actually do work in producing an erection for people who may have an issue with blood flow or some other type of chemical imbalance.

But I think they can be very addicting and just as dangerous as some street narcotics. There are some street narcotics that can produce probably even better effects but are contraband because of the dangerous side effects. These drugs may make people experience temporary blindness from what I have observed and then severe psychological cover up about the incident. Also they may not be producing a quality erection or having quality sex, yet are using this as an indicator of health when it is actually symptomatic of unhealth. These can also lead to severe addiction and fraud. Lots of white collar crime and ill feeling.

You cannot be an expert on ED Michele because that is all you know and you have your own dysfunction. What I want to strike at is the immorality of how you cope with it. Becoming a group of “sexual elites” with viagra prescriptions and supply and sexual deviancy do not mean any inherent quality of sexuality.

You need to stop talking to down to others based on your “decades of experience” of whatever you have been doing. You are lacking the component of sexuality to begin with.

You will agree with anyone with sexual inferiority and dysfunction as your own. Reggie is no exception.


You’re the one who started it with your child porn post. Everything else you are posting is just comical.

Just because somebody is not sexually responsive towards you or aroused by you, does not mean that person is suffering from a dysfunction or give you any right to suggest the person is somehow how gay or bisexual.

Here is the problem I have. People seemed amazed at how they got things accomplished. Oh my god I got to work without crashing my car, oh my god I completed this entire spreadsheet, wow I was able to do a set of 10 of… They feel very embarrassed like you do as if you are getting paid for work you are not doing and are a severe inefficiency and burden without reward. Now when it comes to something like sex, where you cannot brace your core abdominals, where your mouth cannot produce any suction and gets tired and useless like a puppet after simply opening it you reason somebody is doing this for you as well.


Do you understand that? About your mouth not being able to suck or actually function and merely sitting there like a puppet’s jaw in cheap papier-mâché and paint. That you know you cannot perform the task you are trying to do. You are removed from the actual act and there is little stimulus involved. You can’t make the assumption somebody is a homosexual or gay and enjoying this simply because it appears to be getting done and you are by no means doing the work or even capable of doing it yourself.

Yes. I’m so relieved you were able to put it into words for me. Attaboy, Sweety! Keep it up and you’ll be rewarded for all your many exaggerations.

What do you think she just did? Impacted herself? That is not an erection do you understand?

You’re criticizing my choice of words. Would you like me to go find a few of yours?

You are acting like my daddy, Mark.

Wasn’t it some other recently deceased person?

Why don’t you abstain from posting in this topic. Because you are not pleasing to men does not mean they are impotent. And because you find others with frontal protrusions of excited BM’s doesn’t mean an erection has been produced, Not everyone can be so fake.

Start another topic on female impotence or incontinence or frigidity.

I don’t know, Mark. Another 5 minutes of this and I’ll be dead thought.

Why don’t you abstain from posting all together?

Sounds like you are speaking as Reg. Wonder if Reg sees your belly fat when he looks down to urinate like I do.