
I can swear there ain’t no heaven but I pray there ain’t no hell

What tools, Reg? Did they upgrade their tracking technology?

Look at the doors of power and control opening for the WHO Director General since this deadly coronavirus was released.

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus was elected WHO Director-General for a five-year term by WHO Member States at the Seventieth World Health Assembly in May 2017. He is the lone nominee for the May 22 election.

New treatments have been developed.”
He means they have found a way to merge the vaccine with a tracking device.

And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Rev 13:6

The “true” Church rejects this and will reject it.

Michele, the only ones tracking you are FB and Google and the like. Nobody at the WHO cares.

North Korea just announced their first covid 19 case.

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They’re losing their excrement over it, too.

The Politburo recognized that it was necessary to transition the national quarantine system to the maximum emergency quarantine system in response to the current situation,” the outlet continued, adding that party leaders “criticized the ignorance, laxity, irresponsibility and incompetence of the quarantine sector, which failed to respond sensitively to the increasing number of mutated virus infections worldwide.”

people that click on RT?

Only? As in, ignore it? It’s nothing? How many is too many? Where do we draw the line at what they can track? They track every aspect of our lives. Apple has the power to search our phone. Amazon knows how we spend our money. Att knows who we communicate with. There are no boundaries short of throwing our phones away and somehow, that doesn’t seem realistic or fair.

Yes, I know how much they don’t care, Reg. Isn’t that why they are voting to give themselves more power over us and not just us but people all over the globe.

No doubt, there will be more.

There should be a vaccine for that.

twitter for smart people

No, “only” as in blame the correct people for tracking you. The WHO does not do this. They may do other bad things, but tracking you personally is not one of them.

I believe I started a list that included Facebook, Google, Amazon, Apple and Att. God only knows how long they have been collecting our information or worse, what they are doing with it. After watching 2000 mules I have been somewhat unhinged over how easy it is to track people and purchase data location information. Clearly, we are never going to have privacy. These corporations are policing the whole world. I don’t feel good about the power they wield and I don’t know how you or anyone else could.

Oh, of course not. How silly of me to accuse them of such nefarious activity. They are “only” plotting to make the world a sicker place.

Are you stating a fact or making accusations?

No, Michele. You started by accusing the WHO of merging the vaccine with a tracking device, which is very crazy.

This image is of a man who received the vaccine. This is what the experiment was about. Crazy is dismissing it as crazy.

c l i c k

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Go British Columbia!

Omicron S. If that escapes the lab it will kill a third of the population before a new vaccine is produced. But then, knowing those double-crossing, money-hungry scientists, they probably have a vaccine ready.