
interesting, so you suggest distributing free sauerkraut to promote facemasks?

Anything to prevent odorous intake. My nostrils are sensitive.

ah niceā€¦ so you would try 2 carrots up your nose?

A more logical solution would be to get as far away from kraut as possible.

lol yes but you did say you would try anything

Sure, I was just offering up a more attractive solution.

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what is attractive to oneā€¦ is 2 carrots up your nose to another

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Whatever blows your skirt up makes me happy too.

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if you put 2 carrots up your nose and i can borrow your skirt as well as an elephant to blow it upā€¦ now that makes it very attractive

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lol Iā€™m getting an image of the POM girl. Now weā€™re both attracted.

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maybe next week

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ā€œI believe the peer pressure exerted by those in the Republican Party who refuse to take reasonable precautions is the ultimate cause of Speaker Hinchā€™s passing,ā€™ said William Marsh, a Republican representative and retired doctor, in an email to The Associated Press.ā€

Can anyone believe how COVID is bypassing Democrats and infecting Republicans lol, as if Gods plague has passed over the righteous to destroy the unrighteous. Maybe the virus has to destroy unrighteous Republicans first, to set the example. Those poor Liberals. I canā€™t watch. Maybe I can but I shouldnā€™t. Or maybe I just donā€™t want to. Or maybe I do and I donā€™t want anyone to know Iā€™m that twisted.

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One more thought. Not counting Susan Collins, who everyone knows is a staunch Republican, committed to the task of making the Republican Party look divided, I didnā€™t know there were any true Republicans that far north.

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If you say from one side of your mouth you want to save the world with a vaccine and from the other that you support depopulation then you canā€™t expect anything less than an eternal pricking.

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They started warming Donna last night. I didnā€™t get a phone call so Iā€™m assuming she survived that. They will stop sedation sometime this morning and we will then know more about what damage was done while she was under.
Oil is up a little so Hubby goes back to work soon. Not surprising that itā€™s just before Christmas. No one here cares though. I sent our kids a message to ask how they felt about skipping Christmas this year and the majority seemed all for it. A true 2020 kind of Christmas that meshes well with the rest of the year. I love Christmas but it doesnā€™t bother me this year. If anything, itā€™s allowed me to reflect more on the purpose of Christmas, something that has been lost through the gift giving ritual.

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whats your purpose?

the original purpose of xmas was for each community to select 1 person they didnt like and injure, rape and torture them for a week and then kill them on december 25

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I like social distancing. People were getting so soft.

I do too, actually. I donā€™t see why people need to jostle around so much. This is much better.

Truthfully, it has never had much to do with Christ. Itā€™s always been about getting together, visiting, eating rich food and watching little children open presents. None of it appeals to me this year.

We must have a little Roman blood sitting on our Supreme Court.