
Seems like as if she isnt going to acompañar you to the lake of fire. Good for her. Keep on posting against the holy spirit and youll head there in lonelyiness and nashing of teeth

Huh? With the ack of your wife not loving presidente trump you just proved yourself wrong

Pedo of the month?

Reg, good news! Maybe you wont be lonely on your way to the lake of fire after all. A friendly, handsome communist is offering to join

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Daniel, did you read in the other thread how God might’ve cured AIDS? He must love fudge packers after all.

LaLaLaLaLa I don’t hear, see, read anything. You might just want to lead me astray.

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typical christian attitude

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ANOTHER vaccine?
My guess:
  • The new world order wants to fulfill the Transhumanism Agenda with light speed now (e.g. the ability to procreate only if you comply to their chinese style “social score” system). Done via vaccines probably. I mean the infertilization of ppl, just as they do with GMO-seeds. Sell single-crop “enhanced” seeds, so customers will have to buy each year. No comply - no seed.
  • They know, they’ll get 100% sheeple and 80-90% of people with each hullabaloo e.g. CoViD, but they want more. And they’re greedy
  • So, since billions are given to the deep state vaccine facilities anyways, they will come up with any kind of crazy shit now, so to get along with their plan they eventually will get 100% vaxxed if 80% take the Covid, 80% take the HIV-vaxxing, 80% take cancer-vaccine, 80% take whatever they come up with

They’re playing god and you will all say “uughhh Daniel was right all along, but we are Transhumanism loving vaxxed sheepl” “We like the new normality”

  • Slow to anger
  • First threatingly arisen
  • Satan is currently ruling this world
  • these are his last days

One less godless Catholic.

I must have landed in the cuckoos nest.

I don’t know why you are complaining. Hell is your destiny and you seem pretty content going there so hush it up.

I’m missing something. Who is the godless Catholic?

lol I forgot his name. Bishop Brennon.


Is it me? That would be true. I’m italian and Irish from new England. Godless catholic.

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Papist !

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Are you sure? Didn’t you change that to scottish and sicillian?

Would you want it to be that easy? I suppose certain ethnicities are doomed genetically from a health standpoint. I’m not sure the healthiest ethnicity. The Japanese eat so healthy it might be more nurture than nature. I’m going to guess Oklahoma is not the ethnicity you want for health genes.

Quite right. The brain tissue is very slow to develop.

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Congratulations! That is likely to be one of the best races out there.